Working on my tercel i have plans to make mounts for my son's car seat or maybe get him a racing seat and harness for the back.
He will be 3 in January but as of his 2year and a few months check up he is already 3'2" and 45lbs!
Just want to know what people have done and maybe y'all have suggestions I haven't thought of yet.

9/10/15 1:07 a.m.
I had two kid seats in my RX8. I suggest a complete rear interior for the Mrs. Sake. 
Haven't done that, but started taking Tom on fun rides when he was about 5 years old. He was driving from my lap soon after that and driving on his own when he was eight. Those first autocross runs in a car (on his own) were a bit nerve wracking as he was maybe ten or 12.
9/10/15 5:28 a.m.
Daughter went from birth to 10 years old as a 1990 Miata passenger. I think that in today world the bubble wrap factor is a bit higher though.
They make some pretty small racing seats. Get the smallest you can find and do the trash bag and spray foam trick to make a seat liner. One of my co drivers was 4' 11" and 105 pounds. When I worked on her spec Miata, the neighbors 10 year old daughter was the only one around that could fit in the driver seat.
Check your carseat--some LATCH anchors can clip on to harness tabs. Kids love fun cars!

New Reader
9/10/15 8:36 a.m.
In reply to NOHOME:
My almost-3-year-old loves riding in the Miata (no airbag, so it's at least as safe as every redneck around here that crams their 3 kids in the front of a pickup) the thing that makes me most nervous is catching crap from cops and/or busybody other parents. Hasn't happened yet though.