Here is the car in question.
He sent me a few other pictures and it looks pretty good. This fits my fun/practical requirements exactly, but this era of G20 is often pretty worn out. Don't want to drive all the way up there just to see a turd. Thanks in advance!
In reply to sethmeister4:
I could probably do it tomorrow afternoon, Seth. Sometime between 2-7 would work best for me if you want to set it up.
Awesome, thanks. I contacted him, I'll let you know the details asap. He said the price is negotiable, I would love to get down to $1500 or less. I just want to know if it's worth that or if it's a hooptie. The goal would be to drive this for a number of years until it crumbles into nothing...or until my automotive ADD kicks in. 
Hey Cliff, what side of town are you on? The seller is in New Kent. I sent you a PM with some details...the seller's B-i-L can show it around 4 today. PM me for details or questions. I have the seller's phone number.
Seth, I'm in Henrico, just north of the city. Didn't get a PM you still have my email from the Z-car stuff last year? The forum should send PMs to the same email, but that seems to go awry occasionally. 4 should work, I'll take it for a spin and send you some pictures and impressions this evening.
Thanks a ton Cliff! Sorry, it looks like you are a little farther from him than I thought! I owe you big time...especially if it's a bust!
Check for 5th gear pop out, toasted motor mounts, and rust behind front wheels.
In reply to petemc53555:
Thanks! Flynlow is gonna give me the rundown of what he found on the morning. You have a G20 pete? Any recommendations for suspension or wheels & tires? (In case I end up getting it)