Pete can attest to just how tiny our basement is. It’s about 19x19. Water heater, shower, washer, dryer, oil tank, oil furnace, wood furnace. The rest is shelving units. Hoosier storage is at a premium here because i’m not allowed to keep them in the bedroom. Short too, just over 6’ tall to the bottom of the joists.
Knurled. said:
Cooter said:
In reply to Knurled. :
Those were on trailer that came with a boat one of my friends bought. He didn't like them (no accounting for taste) so I nabbed them to use on my D2Crew (swapping them out with the 8 lug slots as the mood strikes me)

Eight lug SLOTS. This is now way too much awesome for one thread.
The 70’s were a wild time for wheels and they looked a hell of a lot better than modern aftermarket truck wheels.
Also, it was my pleasure to bring the hood back from Oregon. I was hoping it would give me some more MPGs on the way home, but unfortunately I achieved my 18.8 average as usual.
Here’s a gratuitous Oregon picture.