Who else was at the AROC autocross this weekend?
Lessons learned:
- 1.8T + Automatic = terrible on a short tight course.
- Leaving your hat, sunscreen and extra case of water on the porch makes for one red Johnny.
- 18" Jetta tire pressures = 40psi front 52psi rear... and it still won't rotate.
- 2005 GLIs will get 25.7mpg overall on a 224 mile trip with 5 runs in the middle.
- Every Miata has a turbo... at least most of them that were there yesterday.
If you were there, please post up some pics, somehow the 125 pics I took were lost when my card failed and now I am without action shots of everyone else.
I know a few people took pictures of me driving, but I never have time to do that....
I also was reminded that 3 year old race tires that have already been overheated once do not have much left in them...
I was too busy counting your cones to take your picture, E. Sorry. Of course that being said I didn't hit any cones because I was barely going fast enough to get around the course so you win again.
I didn't realize there was an auto-x going on yesterday. I was riding my bike for a training ride up to OU. Once I got on campus, I saw a couple RX-7/8's driving around and just thought that they were out for a Sunday drive. I then saw that black and yellow triumph and realized that something else was going on. Following the exhaust notes and tire squeal, I found lot 36. Stuck around and watched for about an hour or so.
Are all courses that tight, or was that just b/c they had to squeeze it all in to that lot?
klipless wrote:
Are all courses that tight, or was that just b/c they had to squeeze it all in to that lot?
Not normally- the lot was pretty small, and that was the first time we used it- so we needed to know how the lot stands up. If we had that lot again, I'm pretty sure we would be able to speed it up- not much, with all of those light poles, though.
Thankfully, our next OU event is back in lot 1.
Eric, when are the results to be posted?
John Brown wrote:
Eric, when are the results to be posted?
Not until tomorrow at the earliest. I didn't do them last night- too tired. I'll get on them tonight, and will have the group proof read them in the morning.
I wish I could have stayed around for the fun runs but I had to save momma from the boys.
It would've been fun, but I was out of town for the weekend.
I think a lot of others headed home early due to the sun, as well. I heard more than a handful of people complain about too much sun.... While unexpected this quickly, it was the forecast....
They were complaining about too much sun? Sheesh. I'd have taken it compared to last month's MSCC event where it was 50 and raining off and on.
I was going to go, but the Miata's O2 sensor died on Friday and I just simply didn't have time to get to in on Saturday. So I ended up doing yardwork on Sunday instead. At least I was outiside....
I didn't realize how sunny it was until I jumped in the pool and my skin melted off.
Who was the gent sitting shotgun in the volvo timing wagon wearing a GRM shirt?
One of our members. GRM t's are quite common at DCSCC events. Just ask Mr Spangler... 
Actually, I should wear some of my old Ts if I went to non AROC events. But I always wear some Alfa thing for ours.
AFAIK, only three people at that event have been seen in GRM issues. Unless I missed someone JB.
Seen in, but how many read the forum?
Hey John/Eric, is there a website where I can see a schedule of autocross events in the Detroit region? I haven't autocrossed in 15 years, but maybe it's time to give it a try again. see if the old guy is still as good as I think I once was!! 
John Brown wrote:
Seen in, but how many read the forum?
Oodles, I think. I don't think THAT person is here much. I'm sure he'll shoot me a note if he reads here.
But only a few have pictures in actual magazines... 
And I think only ONE was a regular in an Ad that had little to do with what the car was being used for (and wasn't even his car).... that was pretty odd.
Oh, crap. I just realized that I have not put AC back on my Autocross list- which would explain his absence yesterday... Bummer.
DeadSkunk wrote:
Hey John/Eric, is there a website where I can see a schedule of autocross events in the Detroit region? I haven't autocrossed in 15 years, but maybe it's time to give it a try again. see if the old guy is still as good as I think I once was!!
For the non SCCA events- http://dcscc.blogspot.com/
Oh! and can I just show up with a helmet, car and tires to compete ?
DeadSkunk wrote:
Oh! and can I just show up with a helmet, car and tires to compete ?
But for MSCC and CCM events, they prefer pre-registration.
We don't do that.
alfadriver wrote:
I think a lot of others headed home early due to the sun, as well. I heard more than a handful of people complain about too much sun.... While unexpected this quickly, it was the forecast....
They need to spend a couple summers in the south.
scardeal wrote:
alfadriver wrote:
I think a lot of others headed home early due to the sun, as well. I heard more than a handful of people complain about too much sun.... While unexpected this quickly, it was the forecast....
They need to spend a couple summers in the south.
It was 85 and there was exactly ONE tree on the lot. EVERYONE was under it! We were staending out at corner 4 motherfathering those sumbishes, I tell you whuh! (spoken in "Florida Western: Proper" for you southerners)
AROC 5/23/10 results
I feel good that I lost to a 2009 GTi with a DSG, I feel great that I beat out a yellow MINI and a yellow Mustang.
I need to spend a LOT of time learning to balance keeping the boost up with the automatic transmission.
Uh, those are not final. Final will not be final until I post it tonight.
Just wanted to mention that.