7/19/17 9:39 a.m.
Audi ad article
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Audi ad likening women to used cars in China backfires
By Sherisse Pham and Serena Dong July 19, 2017: 3:59 AM ET
An Audi commercial equating women to used cars has riled up consumers in China.
The Chinese commercial opens with a young couple on the cusp of getting married, when the groom's mother suddenly interrupts the ceremony to inspect the bride.
After yanking the bride's nose and ears, and prying open her jaw to inspect her teeth, the mom appears satisfied and gives the couple the okay. She casts one last disapproving look at the bride's chest before the scene changes to an Audi driving through city streets as a voice-over says "an important decision must be made carefully."
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The ad ends with a plug for used Audi vehicles, with the male narrator saying: "Only with official certification can you be rest assured."
It did not go over well.
A growing number of Chinese consumers have taken to Weibo, China's Twitter, to slam the German carmaker. Many called the ad sexist and some even vowed to boycott Audi vehicles.
"This is unacceptable," wrote one user, while another called it "disgusting."
The Weibo hashtag "Audi second-hand car ad" had been viewed more than 300,000 times by midday Wednesday.
Michael Wilkes, Audi's head of corporate communications in China, said the advert was produced by the used car division of parent company Volkswagen's joint venture in China.
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FAW-Volkswagen, the joint venture, did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
"Most corporations do not have the concept of gender equality and neither do Chinese regulators," Li Maizi, a feminist activist, told CNN.
The company can ill afford this speed bump. Audi sales in China were down 15% in the first half of 2017.
"So many powerful women in China are also potential customers for Audi, and this is how Audi is sending its message to buyers?" said Guo Zimeng, a Shanghai-based lifestyle editor.
Not everyone is up in arms against Audi, however.
"I think people are being dramatic," said Beijing resident Marla Yuan.
"If this ad compared a guy to a second hand car, people would undoubtedly say its funny and creative," she added.
This is not the first time a commercial in China has gone viral for all the wrong reasons.
There are 1.37 billion people in China. If you only piss off 1% of them, you are probably doing good, and 1% is still 13 million people.
Yup, the Chinese certainly take the wellbeing of women seriously. 
7/19/17 11:52 a.m.
I think someone needs to learn how to laugh.
That's a totally ludicrous comparison, cars have resale value.
Just here for the comments haha
Ohh the politically incorrect comments I could make. 
So why are people not all up in arms about the Allstate commercial where the biker girl talks about how getting a new husband is like getting a new bike after you total the old one. Nope no double standards here. . . Move along nothing to see here. . ..
7/19/17 8:20 p.m.
Oh I thought it was hilarious btw. Was curious to hear the GRM perspective. Thankfully you never fail to satisfy.
Insert wife or husband jokes here.
In reply to dean1484:
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that genuinely being though of, and treated, as nothing more than property is a sad reality that untold numbers of women (even in this country) actually face even today...But not so much for men. If you want to bring up double standard in how women are treated vs men, we can certainly go there too. Overall, the slights against men pale in comparison to what women continue to endure.
In reply to Driven5:
Yeah, because men are never, ever portrayed as bumbling incompetent morons that need constant female supervision to complete even the simplest daily tasks. "Derp derp derp, i caught the kitchen on fire trying make cereal again. Derp derp derp." Lighten up people.
In reply to gearheadmb:
I can't believe I forgot about the tragic truth behind such portrayals of men...LOL.
Lighten up. A question was asked. The question was answered. Don't shoot the messenger.
In reply to gearheadmb:
High Five!!!
Yeah, 30-50 year old white guys, certainly in the media, get crapped on the most. I've pointed it out often.
Watch any ad where there's a white guy attempting housework or God forbid home improvement and he'll end up with his hand stuck in the dryer or flat on his back after falling off a ladder with a bucket of paint over his head and his wife standing over him shaking her head.
Whatever anyone wants to say, the US is still the best place to be a woman on earth.
And I still say the Chinese should stfu about a perceived slight against women in an Audi commercial lest I point out their not-so-favorable RECENT history of China's treatment of women.
7/20/17 11:07 a.m.
ebonyandivory wrote:
Yeah, 30-50 year old white guys, certainly in the media, get crapped on the most. I've pointed it out often.
I think this might just be the only "unprotected" class left in American society ...
einy wrote:
ebonyandivory wrote:
Yeah, 30-50 year old white guys, certainly in the media, get crapped on the most. I've pointed it out often.
I think this might just be the only "unprotected" class left in American society ...
Yeah...It's a rough life, but somebody's got to live it. LOL
In reply to Driven5:
Despite the relentless and omnipresent attempts to undermine and belittle middle-aged white men, they continue to hold their own. That says it all.
7/20/17 11:26 a.m.
I can't say they're wrong. The wife needs as much repair and upkeep as any Audi. A PPI may have been money well spent.
In reply to Wall-e:
Did you try asking her ex for more details?
Too bad you can't get a CarFax. It'd be nice to see how many um, "accidents" they've had in the past.
I laughed, my wife laughed. You have to be really uptight for that too make you angry.
Wasn't there an add a while back for pre-owned Ferraris that had a barely dressed, attractive women with the slogan 'you know you aren't the first, but do you care?' This Audi one seems pretty tame.
I didn't see it as commentary on mans's treatment of woman, but on the relationship of Mother in Law and bride- and it's funny, because it's pretty true of most Mother in law- bride relationships that I've seen, and surprises me a little that it's not limited to western culture. It's a good ad because if Audi is as critical of it's used cars as a Mother in law is of her daughter in law...
In reply to former520:
It was BMW

Then Aston Martin served a bunch of bloggers with take down notices when they made a parody version of the ad showing the Cygnet and Toyota iQ. There's another parody Aston ad with the same slogan which was a bit more racy.
On subject, that ad would been radioactive here in the US, especially if it featured a certain demographic.
gearheadmb wrote:
In reply to Driven5:
Yeah, because men are never, ever portrayed as bumbling incompetent morons that need constant female supervision to complete even the simplest daily tasks. "Derp derp derp, i caught the kitchen on fire trying make cereal again. Derp derp derp." Lighten up people.
Wait, you haven't caught the kitchen on fire making cereal?
That reminds me, I need to pick up another ABC fire extinguisher