Going to the ORPCA Autocross #8 at PIR in Portland on Sunday. Taking the Javelin and my sister from Florida to co-drive. In case anyone else wants to come.
Going to the ORPCA Autocross #8 at PIR in Portland on Sunday. Taking the Javelin and my sister from Florida to co-drive. In case anyone else wants to come.
Damn it Javelin.
Keep making these threads please. They're nice reminders that I need to finish my "honey-do" list, find a source of cash, and get out of the house.
I'd tell ya that I can make it "next month" but it wont happen unless I win the lotto (hell, I'd even settle for a scratch ticket) between now and then.
You can sign up at axware.com on the ORM. I'll try to remember to post the link. Sign ups at the gate always welcome.
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