Met a guy today that runs a Dyno (yay me! Free Dyno pulls!) he sets up Motec systems (not "Motec system exhaust") and he was showing me some of the crimp tools he uses for crushing terminals the RIGHT way. The tool in question wasn't too expensive (so he says) but it came from Japan and he said its something like "pe9". It did really small gauge and has the teeth that actually bend the little tabs overrun to that "M" shape in the terminal. I can't find it via Google. Anyone here have suggestions?
6/15/16 9:46 a.m.
There are a few different kinds. I'm assuming you are looking for the metripack style?
This is a very basic one:
6/15/16 9:52 a.m.
I use this one for a lot of stuff....
But really all depends on how fancy you want to get. The better the crimper, the better the crimp. Contact retainers are a nice feature to have, but those are very specific to the type of component.
I had to upgrade my Samurai's main alternator wire to 4 gauge (upgraded alternator, had to use stranded wire instead of solid core, I think the 8 gauge kept melting because of limited contact area at the fuse holder) and I found that a hammer worked pretty well as a crimping tool at that size.
6/15/16 10:26 a.m.
Most good crimpers you buy a "plyer" then you buy the "die set" to match your terminals.
From your description sound like this type of die. not the hand tool is shown below the die set. note its jaws move parallel to each other not in an arc.
digikey catalog page
In reply to 44Dwarf:
Those jaws look spot on. But this was in an arc fashion movement. Looked like regular crimp pliers but with fancy teeth.
6/15/16 3:40 p.m.
I have an Eclipse Ratcheting Crimper with changeable dies: I think the ratcheting type will give you the most consistent result with each crimp being the same. I wired a whole car and can't imagine doing without the ratcheting crimping tool along with A Vice Grip automatic wire stripping tool.
6/15/16 4:03 p.m.
Let's assume an idiot who doesn't know what you are talking about entered this thread... How do you explain it to him?
6/15/16 4:45 p.m.
Open barrel terminals like those used in automotive connectors or weatherpack/metripack etc that connect to sensors or that go into larger connectors for an ecu or bulkhead disconnect.

The small wings fold over the stripped wire and the large wings grip the seal.

Which is then inserted into the terminal body.
The crimpers will either crimp the terminal and then seal in separate crimp cavities or crimp the terminal and seal in one motion on some designs. Some terminals do not have the seal depending on the series.
6/15/16 4:49 p.m.
6/15/16 5:14 p.m.
Gets even crazier when you have to do crimps in large numbers. For my home business, I have these guys in the garage.
A set of dies alone wouldn't qualify for the challenge.
6/15/16 5:22 p.m.
In reply to hhaase:
That looks like an awesome setup.
6/15/16 8:50 p.m.
Trackmouse wrote:
In reply to 44Dwarf:
Those jaws look spot on. But this was in an arc fashion movement. Looked like regular crimp pliers but with fancy teeth.
I had a set with fixed jaws but did the unthinkable and loaned them out 4-5 years ago....had them so long a spot on the rubber covers on the arms was worn through. Hum I better see if I can get them back.
I use the Eclipse ratcheting tool, it has worked well so far.
many choices: