Just came across this blurb on Autoextremist.............
Autoweek. The car mag weekly is going to every other week in January with a newly-designed format. Wait a minute, the one product differentiator between Autoweek and the car monthlies in this Internet Age is the fact that it came out every week. When that (relatively speaking) immediacy goes away, then what? Or better yet, why?)
Will they now be called Autobiweekly?
This was on AutoBlog.com a few days ago. It was written in the article that this is not the first time this mag has changed their distribution schedule....I forget if they said it used to be monthly back in those "dark ages" before the internet was even a dream.
I once had a sub to Autoweek, then I picked it off the newstands...when I could find it, and then used to just read it online. It was one of those mags I often wished was bigger, but once the internet age REALLY got underway, the printed version started to seem less and less relevant.
I don't know if I'm the only one who feels this way, but if you have a printed and online version of the same publication, you might want to think about giving folks a reason to subscribe to the print version. I don't think I'm interested enough in racing to care if it's 2 times a month or 4 times a month.
BTW, I read Grassroots and ClassicMotorsports online, nearly everyday...but still want and buy the printed copy. AutoWeek....sorry, no.
they went downhill when they dropped that giant newspaper version and when Satch Carlson left (or was asked to leave)
11/20/08 4:38 p.m.
I dropped it a few years ago, and somehow wound up with a free subscription via a friend. When it's over, it's over for me. Case in point: there has been virtually no coverage of the financial debacle the big 2.5 are currently facing. It's still lollipops and roses as they publish official FoMoCo photos of the 2010 Mustang (yawn...and I like Mustangs). The columnists other than Corey Farley are dull. The race coverage is still usually good and Escape Roads rarely fails to entertain, but the rest of it reads more like a press package (or Motor Trend) than the Autoweek I grew up with.
Satch was fired after the unpleasantness with an allegedly underage girl. He now edits Roundel and is as curmedgeonly as ever, which is both good and bad.
Without Satch, it's basically just a scrap of paper.
New Reader
11/20/08 6:58 p.m.
waste of paper, waste of print, waste of time.
I subscribed to Autoweek for years but gave up a few years ago when it seemed all the coverage was trucks and SUVs. I think it could be good again and would be sorry to see it go......if in fact that happens.
I subscribe to Autoweek, and really it is my favorite of the "automotive news" type magazines. there are a few in depth articles, great spy photo's and news related topics, decent editorial...(maybe not)...and the racing stuff is always good
Competition Press used to be a twice monthly magazine until it was purchased by Autoweek, which has been weekly since its inception, until January that is.
New Reader
11/20/08 8:02 p.m.
There was a time many, many, many years ago when the mag was titled "Competition Press and autoweek".
It was published weekly on standard old news print and was the Bible for racing fans, hence the reason Competition Press was first and autoweek was a deserved lowly second tier title.
Everything went south real fast when the focus changed from racing to industry.
Haven't been back since and haven't regretted a single dime not spent.
I like alot of the stuff. And the cover F1 and WRC. But I can't stand most of the editor's spots. One of them didn't even talk about cars tl all in her first 3 articles. Huh?
I say "Auto every-other-weekly"
Appleseed wrote:
I like alot of the stuff. And the cover F1 and WRC. But I can't stand most of the editor's spots. One of them didn't even talk about cars tl all in her first 3 articles. Huh?
I say "Auto every-other-weekly"
I know which column you are talking about and it makes me mad everytime I see it. I think that particular person is more concenred with being cool than actually working for a car magazine.
I've gotten Autoweek for years and I'm not happy about this. It will probably make me drop it when my subscription is up. I do enjoy Denises McCluggage and wish she wrote more. I like that I can read the entire magazine in a short amount of time in one sitting. I used to love National Speed Sport News but that also went down hill and I dropped that.
11/21/08 9:46 a.m.
NYG95GA wrote:
Without Satch, it's basically just a scrap of paper.
A scrap of paper without an 'alleged' sex offender.
Seriously though, you're right. He was good. I have to say there aren't a lot of good Editorials out there at all anymore. Of the 'majors', I would have to say Ezra Dyer kills me.
. I do enjoy Denises McCluggage and wish she wrote more.
Is that the older lady? If so, I agree. I think she's way more readable that the rest of them.
Auto-Every-Other-Week just doesnt roll off the tongue quite the same.
Appleseed wrote:
. I do enjoy Denises McCluggage and wish she wrote more.
Is that the older lady? If so, I agree. I think she's way more readable that the rest of them.
Do a little research on her, she's one of the most facinating people on earth, at least to me. There was a famous quote from Bobby Rahal introducing her as "she races, like Danica Patrick, but is nice" 
I think she also dated Steve Mcqueen. Cool lady indeed.
NYG95GA wrote:
Without Satch, it's basically just a scrap of paper.
Yup. Just like the only reason to read R&T is Peter Egan.
I subscribed to Autoweek in the 70s and early 80s. Don't miss it a bit.