Autolex wrote:
mrdontplay wrote:
My goal is to beat stock miatas. I think is pretty reasonable sense I'm about 300lbs lighter and I should have about 100hp. I think my suspension setup will work pretty well and the weight disribution in a chevette is pretty good. If I can be them on the course I should atleast be able to beat them in theory
What class are you planning on being in? We have a few ES guys that are pretty dern fast in 1993 and 1994 miata's on R Compounds. :)
I don't know how they class people I'm just gonna show up and Drive.
Just FYI: It's YOUR responsibility to class your car. See if they have a novice group, run with them. Have fun!
we do, just let me know when you are planning on coming, and I will make sure that our novice chief gets a hold of ya. :)
Autolex wrote:
we do, just let me know when you are planning on coming, and I will make sure that our novice chief gets a hold of ya. :)
I'll probably make the trip to STL sometime. I'd like to have a 5spd trans or a trailor first though. 55-60mph makes for a long drive.
especially since you will have to be there around 8am.