Read this on RoadRoving, a blog I found through the Art of Manliness website. I think it sums things up pretty well. 
"Sometimes we get too caught up the rat race of chasing pageviews, impressions, and billing by the click.
Let’s not get too bogged down with the nonsense economics of the internet and get back to what it’s really for: browsing limitless, ever-repopulating, pages of cars for sale."
And random liveleek videos. 
Hence my intense hatred of all that is Gawker and Jalopnik. That is all they are about and aren't unashamed by it.
So many other sites that are better at reporting valid automotive and racing news, but because of their focus on Google hits and page views, many won't see them.
I have to say, I'm glad that eBay hasn't screwed up Craigslist so far and as long as the people using it and browsing through it, help keep it free of scammers and spammers, then it should stay a fairly valid solution for the cheapskates among us.
I guess I should point out, too, that the author of the quote is referring specifically to Craigslist. His blog is worth checking out, it's pretty cool.