I picked up a new daily driver last weekend, a 2003 Focus SVT with 71k on the clock. I did the miata thing for the last year and I was ready for something with a little more room and a solid roof, it'll be more practical for heading back to school in the fall as well. I looked at it during the week and it was priced way too high $9k or so, and the night before I was going to buy a black zx5 svt the dealer dropped the price to $6k, I got it for $6k after all the fees and such. Its nice buying a car that doesn't need anything fixed to enjoy it! Im pretty sure this one has every option you could get in 03' the euro package, power everything, traction control, etc. New keys are expensive though, $130! If I had a pair of them I could've programmed it myself. I sold my miata today and I think a computer tune will be in order for the svt to get some more performance out of it.

Nice find! I love the Competition Orange, and you've even got the HID's.
I'm jealous! 
5/2/09 9:09 p.m.
Nice find and a good price too.
Nice - good color too. I bet you could drive it for the next two years and still get close to $5k when you sell it.
I like the green wheels on the yota!
5/2/09 11:02 p.m.
Nice! For $6K even I would grab a SVT Focus. Enjoy it! 
So the answer isn't Miata?
5/2/09 11:27 p.m.
If the question is "What could Nitroracer sell and replace it with a Ford Focus SVT?" then the answer is Miata.
Thanks for the compliments guys. I found some ebc green pads on the front and drilled and slotted rotors al the way around too.
The wheels on the tercel started out on my old mariner blue miata, they stood out just as much there. I donated them to my sister because the stock 13" tires wouldn't be worth replacing. Thing handles great now.
New Reader
5/4/09 8:56 p.m.
Nice score! I've always had a soft spot for the ZX3 style focus. Had it been available with AWD and a turbo powerplant, I wouldn't currently own a WRX... .
Dav wrote:
Nice score! I've always had a soft spot for the ZX3 style focus. Had it been available with AWD and a turbo powerplant, I wouldn't currently own a WRX... .
Are you listening, Ford? Bring us what we want, and we'll stop suggesting foreign cars to our friends and relatives!
Oh, God. I wanted one of those so bad when they were new. Nice to see that the Tercel is still around.
Had a similarly optioned wrx not cost $2000 more than the focus I would've jumped on it! I looked into them and ended up pitting the svt focus against an ls1 camaro but in the end the focus was more practical and the interior impressed me much more. I'll save my project fairlane for V8 goodness and horrible fuel economy.