So I have the ZZW30 nearly all paid off (yeah, I'm one of those tools that keeps putting himself in a payment situation because I have issues with delaying gratification), which means I'm getting tired of having NO GORRAM ROOM in my car and turning 4k rpm on the highway.
The MR2 replaced my series of Broncos, and I've been thinking back towards the freedom of having all that room, all that clearance, and giving none of the, uh, cares, about bombing through potholes, parking lots, and going bumper-to-bumper up and down 100% grades in San Francisco. But I also recall the terrible handling, inability to cruise at speed without 90dB of windnoise, and having to swipe my card twice to fill the drum of fuel it called a tank.
More directly, I'm looking for something with an automatic trans (I know, ugh), enough torque to not be constantly swearing at having an uncooperative automatic, decent handling, enough room for 3xDog.Large, can cruise comfortably at 75-80mph getting at the very least 20mpg, has AWD or 4WD to enable giving the finger to chain controls going up into the Sierras, will be fine to regularly truck around a toddler, and is as cheap as I can get away with (of course).
My current shortlist, which I'm not completely content with, is the following:
Cayenne S (or better)
All used, of course. Of the three, I like the idea of the Volvo the best. AWD, taarbo, should cruise like a missle. I have exactly 0 familiarity with Volvos, so I have no idea what they're like to work on or how much parts typically run. Hell, I've never even owned a European car. The Cayenne S piqued my interest as I've seen a few on CL from dealerships going for ~$15k. I hear they handle better than any SUV has a right to. Should be plenty of power, plenty of room. I'm scared of how much needed maintenance they're sitting on, though. The Escalade is more the safe bet; I have a few friends with Tahoes, they're comfy, should be dirt cheap to work on, the Escalade gets me the 6.0L, a nicer interior, and maybe better brakes. The Tahoes ride SUPER floaty, though and I'm not sure if that can be remedied. I've also had thoughts towards a Grand Cherokee, but then I start looking at SRT8s which so far seem out of my budget. Subarus are out because I don't want a Scooby with an automatic.
I'd really prefer to get off the cycle of payments, but I'd rather make payments to get something that ticks all the boxes. I'm down for modifying to get what I want, provided I can do so in a Cali smog-legal way.
So, what did I miss? Are there reasons to definitely try one of the above or definitely avoid them? Thanks!