7/29/18 10:11 p.m.
Well, canoe or not I did some shelving work today.
While not exactly pre-made, I did use pre-made brackets and some plywood I grabbed out of someone's trash pile (I think they had shelves in a basement that flooded, so I grabbed the somewhat damp pieces and dried them out). Note the magnet on the wall. Hands down best stud finder in history.

The brackets are supposedly rated to 600lbs each, and I used 3 per shelf. I'm not sure I'll put 1800 lbs on a shelf, but I was able to stand on the bottom one confidently while building the higher levels. I love that I can store long lengths of stock on here, like the extra vinyl and metal trim pieces I have from doing siding and stuff.
Anyway, at $6 per bracket (plus $1 in lag bolts) it's a pretty good deal I think. 4 shelves was about $85. If I had to buy the plywood maybe $50 more. 8' by 16" shelves.
7/30/18 6:52 a.m.
Some of these weight ratings are absurd.
New Reader
11/16/18 8:03 a.m.
I have 2 Harbor Freight rolling toolboxes like these and have used them for 7 problems, and didn't cost an arm and a leg....I'm on a pretty tight budget as it is, due to wife's medical expenses, but I figure I can repair anything that could go wrong, such as casters, etc if need be....but nothing has caused any problems!... I'm happy with them and look good as far as I'm concerned. Also, any form you knows top online casinos - for example - I like this website -
Probably going to pull the trigger on these soon. 
German made. $70 w/prime.

TKT Heavy Duty Shelving 5-Shelf Shelving Unit, 1.925lbs Capacity, 36" Width x 72" Height x 18" Depth
The fact that you can also set these up as a work bench is pretty slick… attach a piece of old slab door to the top & you’d have a sturdy but compact work surface.
New Reader
11/16/18 9:47 a.m.
I have the same ones as RevRico. I purchased mine at Menards. After a little cutting and welding I ended up with this. I now have them down that entire wall.