12/13/15 5:37 p.m.

I'm staying at a little beach shanty in Hollywood, FL with my girl for a few days and we came upon this beautifully clean BiTurbo. It's the best example I've ever seen and had an Anza exhaust it looked like. I hope it's still there tomorrow for some better pics.
12/13/15 5:40 p.m.
I think you just won the Unicorn thread. A plated, insured and running BiTurbo has to be the rarest beast on the street..
If I were a betting man, I would feel confident that it will still be there in the morning.
Seems like a sure thing bet that a Biturbo will not move.
12/13/15 5:45 p.m.
Is it possible that it was abandoned there in 1985?
12/13/15 6:13 p.m.
Are you sure those aren't stills from a Miami Vice episode? 
I still remember the rich kid driving his dad's biturbo to high school one day. I sat it in. I'm still in love.
That's a nice BiTurbo!
Here's one on CL in DC in a more familiar posture, on some fancy jackstands:

The reliability of a BiTurbo is measured with a stopwatch.
Damn it now I'm looking on CL for BiTurbos.
12/13/15 7:45 p.m.
Let's see...you can hear a Fiat rust, MGs come with replacement wiring harness smoke, Biturbos sit...sit Biturbo...sit 
12/13/15 7:46 p.m.
FSP_ZX2 wrote:
The reliability of a BiTurbo is measured with a stopwatch.
Yeah but only one that measures seconds...
I thought the cash for clunkers thing a few years ago did all of those things in! It was the last time you could get $3500 (IIRC) for one of them. Avoid eye contact and walk (run) away.
This one has been living under a tree for ten years: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=998049719
They are terrible, terrible cars. That doesn't make me want one any less 
12/14/15 8:12 a.m.
Apparently it moves, or it got towed :) no more pics :(
12/14/15 8:42 a.m.
A classmate of mine had one in high school that his parents gave to him.
12/14/15 8:54 a.m.
In reply to Harvey:
The parents gave a high school child a biturbo? Either they didn't like him very much or they were adherents of 'tough love' parenting.
You know they are bad when you see one for sale and the owner tells you not to buy it. 
That actually happened to my friend years ago. A guy we knew had a really clean, low mileage one, and he wouldn't sell it to him, and then told us how they love to collect unspent fuel in the cats and burst into flames.
Lof8 wrote:
Apparently it moves, or it got towed :) no more pics :(
It's a Christmas miracle!
My first job when I was 15 was at a Subway in the suburbs. The owner was a nice lady and she ran a good business as I remember. She was going through a divorce, and her husband hired a PI to keep tabs on her. The PI drove a silver biturbo and would park in the lot outside the store. I was enough into cars to know what it was at the time, but couldn't help but think to myself even then why not just get a 3 series?
mattmacklind wrote:
My first job when I was 15 was at a Subway in the suburbs. The owner was a nice lady and she ran a good business as I remember. She was going through a divorce, and her husband hired a PI to keep tabs on her. The PI drove a silver biturbo and would park in the lot outside the store. I was enough into cars to know what it was at the time, but couldn't help but think to myself even then why not just get a 3 series?
Great way to go incognito.
I have a friend who built a Bi-Turbo into a track car.
The body, engine and transmission are original, every thing else is custom built. It is quite fast.
What could possibly go wrong with buying one from "dusty old cars" for $6,300
12/14/15 3:52 p.m.
iceracer wrote:
I have a friend who built a Bi-Turbo into a track car.
The body, engine and transmission are original, every thing else is custom built. It is quite fast.
Pics? I bet it's not running the stock ecu