It looks like I may need a new flywheel for my '97 328. I noticed that the '95 and earlier flywheels are about 6 lbs lighter and a bit cheaper. I already have a '97 clutch (hadn't planned on replacing the flywheel). Will I be able to swap to the earlier flywheel without any trouble, or are the parts incompatible?
11/21/12 12:36 p.m.
I'm drawing a blank here, but I'm assuming bmw went to dual mass flywheels at some point?
Yes, both appear to be dual mass from what I've seen.
not sure on the clutch.. but yes, as far as I know.. all E36s had that super heavy dual mass flywheel
I know my 97 E36 M3 had a dual mass flywheel. Switching to a lighter unit made the car feel much more eager. I do have a bit of minor "chatter" at idle, and it isn't quite as easy to get moving from a dead stop, but once you acclimate, the change was absolutely worth it!
Wow! I just read up on what a dual mass flywheel is. Talk about a Rube Goldberg contraption
. I guess that Germans don't belive in harmonic balancers. It sounds like a redonkulously complicated way accomplish the same basic thing.
And if you think the dual-mass flywheel is bad, check out the CDV (clutch delay valve). It makes the car easier to drive for ham-fisted drivers, at the expense of those who can actually drive a manual. Most infuriating device in the world!
11/21/12 5:20 p.m.
dj06482 wrote:
And if you think the dual-mass flywheel is bad, check out the CDV (clutch delay valve). It makes the car easier to drive for ham-fisted drivers, at the expense of those who can actually drive a manual. Most infuriating device in the world!
But thankfully easily removed.
My experience as well on my '98 M3 -
I went with a Bimmerworld / JB Racing aluminum flywheel w/ a Clutchmasters stage 1 organic/sprung clutch.
Stock flywheel 25# - AL flywheel 10#.
Do this and underdrive pulleys and the car feels totally different. Crazy pull out of slow corners.
11/21/12 11:15 p.m.
I'm wanting to say the one the PO put in the ti was a 7-8lb aluminum......chatters like a mofo and sounds like a semi with the jake on while engine braking. Woke the little 1.8 up though.
I wanted to do something similar to my Ti, Yamaha.. sadly, that will not be the case until I get another one
Found the answer - earlier E36s used a smaller diameter clutch. Putting in a new Sachs flywheel today.
New Reader
11/24/12 9:26 p.m.
HappyAndy wrote:
Wow! I just read up on what a dual mass flywheel is. Talk about a Rube Goldberg contraption
. I guess that Germans don't belive in harmonic balancers. It sounds like a redonkulously complicated way accomplish the same basic thing.
There is a balancer on the front of the crank.
It take a lot of stones to insult a BMW inline 6 this way.