Blergh... I wrote an overly verbose summary and then my laptop went splat and I lost it. Maybe it's better not trying to give the loooong version.
The short version: How do you remove the bottom windshield trim retained by clips which look like this? The top and sides with the simpler clips weren't bad, but I'm finding no how-tos and having less dumb luck with the bottom trim.

2/27/23 2:00 p.m.
My wife has a 1991 F250 and years ago when I replaced the wiper motor I used one of these to gently release the clips from the bottom of the windshield.

In reply to Noddaz :
EDIT: I forgot to say thank you! Every bit tells me more than I knew a minute ago.
In my pre-laptop-crash post I had a photo of a similar tool, and I've been making do with something not entirely dissimilar...
Where I'm stuck is that on the top and sides it went pretty smoothly, but on the bottom it's trickier and I'm not sure what I'm trying to achieve. It seems like on the top and sides you're trying to make the clips let go of the trim (as opposed to pulling the clips off the body), but without seeing how these clips hold into the trim (or the vaguely referenced plastic bits that are more complicated on the bottom piece) I'm not sure where I'm trying to apply force or which way to try to move the trim while I'm applying the tool to the clip.
Any recollection of whether it actually seemed any different doing the bottom than the sides with that tool?