Changing brake pads and rotors: should be an easy as pie job. Nope, not for me; it has me on the verge of throwing hammers.
After an hour and a half spent unfreezing a caliper slide pin (and me realizing that the frozen pin was to blame), the second rear caliper is giving me trouble as well.
I have one of those caliber cubes, with the different keyed edges to match different makes of brake caliper pistons. It worked fine on the right side , but on the left, I had marginal success. I then reversed the direction to see if it was reverse threaded, and here's how it looks now:
Am I SOL trying to get this back in? The boot has come out all crinkly. I have been fighting it for 45 minutes now, and it does not appear to be moving. And my brake fluid reservoir cap is open in the process. What's my next step?