I know I've mentioned it here, before, but we have a parts list to make your own data box, capable of taking GPS and accelerometer/Gyro data.
The software intended is Race Chrono- http://www.racechrono.com/ which does a good job at plotting the GPS data really well, and a pretty good job at the rest of the data. Not the easiest thing to work with, but all things considered, I like it.
So the box consists of some basic things- microcontroller, a/d input, GPS+ antenna, 3 axis accelerometer, 2 axis gyros, SD card slot, and Bluetooth (optional). You also need a box and power supply....
Here's the list of parts so far:
From Parallax- Propeller Prototype board with USB- $29.99; 8 channel, 12 bit a/d- $5.22 (this one has limited range and power, which is ok for the first 8 channels); SD card adaptor- $14.99, and box $19.99.
From Sparkfun- Bluetooth module with board- $34.95; Venus GPS + SMA antenna- $62.90; integrated 3 axis accelerometer + 2 axis gyro- $44.95.
When you add it all up, we are a little over $200.
Somethings to work out- the Bluetooth module board is actually assembled from a $14.99 board, and we are not sure if we have to have the module, or if there are other choices. So that could save $20, but to be honest, you don't have to have bluetooth- it's really nice to have if you want to stream the data to a handheld. The first goal is to put all the data on an SD card.
Also, if you don't think you need the gyros, then that can save quite a bit, if you can put a simple x,y,z accelerometer on the board- which is only $10. But the gyros can be quite useful, in that they will tell you car angle, and then be able to correct the accelerometer data to be correct.
now, you don't HAVE to have the accelerometers. But if you try to take GPS data and calculate it, you'll find that it's not that good of data. While accurate to small distances, and capable of 10 hz, the speed spec on all of them make calculated accleration due to noise at 10hz really bad. And I do mean ALL GPS units. I've looked into the ones that most GPS speed units use, and they all have the same spec. More important, there are no real 20hz systems out there. They can output data at 20hz, but most of them interpolate everything but the 5hz data. Nothing wrong with that, but there are only so many companies who make GPS units, and they publish all the capabilities. Even ones who have different data streams do tell you that the data isn't pefect. It's just there. So we think the 10hz Venus choice is good.
Now, we are going to check over the list to see if we can make any other changes.
Oh, and if you have a question about this micro vs. another very popular one.... Yes, this one is 50% more expensive, but $10 isn't a lot. And the main reason we are choosing this Parallax Propeller is that the guy building it is familiar with programming it (and really important, Parallax has software modules to borrow, one of which will work perfectly with the gyro data). If you can do the same with a different board- go for it. All they really do is take the inputs, and then put that in a format that a software package can use- as long as they are capable of the speed and inputs- the micro type isn't really relevant.
I plan on buying the hard ware pretty soon- we had a decent working prototype, but I can't get in touch with the guy who I loadned it out to- we know it works. It's a matter of builduing it, and putting it on my Alfa.