a friend at work came to me with a question that I couldn't help with.. told him I'd post here and see what the smart ones say 
he has an '03 Caddy CTS ... the part he's after is called a flex disk bushing... basically it's a flexible coupling between the transmission and the drive shaft
the only place I've ever seen something like this has been the steering linkage on a garden tractor
the picture he had drawn was ~5" dia piece of rubber with 6 or 8 holes (medal grommets) symmetrically spaced around the outer edge of the "flex dish bushing"... he says the stealership won't talk to him about replacing the part... they'll only sell him a new drive shaft... ~ $800...
anyone know anything about this (part no. maybe) the best I could give him was some of the better used parts places around here
I'm a long way from considering myself smart on this board, but... maybe a driveshaft specialty shop?
Alfa Milanos and similar have rubber doughnuts in the drivetrain that vaguely answer to that sort of description but I'd be very surprised if they're even vaguely similar in dimensions.
I'd check independent parts places, I wouldn't be surprised if the aftermarket had a replacement for these.

Early Lotii used rubber donuts as precursors to CV joints... Is this what you're talking about?
my dad described to me something like this on a bavaria that used to be in the family
Pretty common on European cars. My Volvo has one. BMW calls them "Guibos" iirc.
I agree the aftermarket probably has what he needs.
BMWs, Alfas, Fiats, Volvos.. they help to keep vibration down in the drivetrain... they go rather spectacularly too... Spitting chunks and turning into a big knot of rubber and fibres
Mercedes uses flex discs. I was with my Father and he was driving the mercedes, hit 100mph and the damn front flex disc blew. They do go spectacularly. I still need to do the front one, as they deteriorate they get cracks and cause driveline vibration.
Yep. Guibo coupling. Phone your local Cad dealer.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Yep. Guibo coupling. Phone your local Cad dealer.
They only sell the whole shaft according to the first post. Not that you couldn't do just the disc, just they don't sell it separately.
Junkyard_Dog wrote:
Streetwiseguy wrote:
Yep. Guibo coupling. Phone your local Cad dealer.
They only sell the whole shaft according to the first post. Not that you couldn't do just the disc, just they don't sell it separately.
Ah. Missed that sentence. Maybe some dimensions and an interchange book. Theres lots of different ones out there- Germans have used them for decades.
Another option would be to find another dealer- wouldn't be the first time a parts guy got the answer wrong.
Stupid question, but have you tried NAPA?
8/3/10 6:21 a.m.
Cadillac prefers it to be called a flex joint to try and keep from being confused with the Guidos often found in their cars.

I would definitely try a different dealer.. or even if you know people who repair cars for a living.. they might be able to get the disc separately.
I do understand where the dealer is coming from.. and not just in profits.. but that is one part of the car you do not want out of balance. Especially on a luxury car
8/3/10 7:57 a.m.
Talk to Max: http://www.cadillacforums.com/forums/2004-2007-cadillac-cts-v-general/161357-driveshaft-flex-disc-rubber-bushing-anyone-3.html
Or call these guys: http://www.rpmtransmissions.com/newproducts.html
alternatively check www.car-part.com...
Wally wrote:
Cadillac prefers it to be called a flex joint to try and keep from being confused with the Guidos often found in their cars.
They only used the Guido couplings on Fiats.
problem taken care of... assuming the buyer / seller can make it work... he found someone in Ok that was parting out the same make/model , on EBay ... and said he could get both the front and the rear for $50... hope it works out for him
is that model CTS still based on the opel omega? It might be possible to get them from Europe in that case