I have this style yoke.

I want to remove the outer ring to save weight. Looks like there's just a rubber layer bonding it to the main yoke. Safe to remove? Just burn it off? Will I be looking at balance issues? It's going to connect to a C3 halfshaft then to a Nissan diff flange. Best to have it all balanced or just the halfshaft needs to be? Remember Challenge but safe.
I don't know about that furd version but I had something similar on e30 driveline. It actually hung forward and around the flange bolts for the guibo. I cut that bitch off so fast. I honestly couldn't even see a way to get the driveshaft bolts with it there. It's been like that for the better part of a decade. Anecdotal, obviously.
I know other people have....
Lots of them remove themselves. You are go to remove.
As far as balance goes, take it to a d/s shop if you want after it is built, but if your guy is like my guy he will check for run-out and send it as short as it is.