Trying to figure out what bar this is. Any thoughts?
9/25/11 8:18 p.m.
looks like a hard dog hard core single diagonal but i thought those all had harness bars. could be an older version.
9/25/11 8:43 p.m.
I can't see the photo, but Hard Dog will build pretty much anything that you would like.
Not all single diags had harness bars, especially the older ones. The leg mounts scream Hard Dog (I've put in 7 of 'em).
With the slight "in" bend in the uprights, it might be the hard top version?
Looks just like my Hard Dog. Had to install my own harness bar.
9/26/11 7:08 a.m.
I've never seen anyone cut away that much sheet metal for a roll bar install before.
I was thinking Hard Dog as well. Perhaps an M2 with the harness tabs added?