Don't know why, but that was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this picture:

Japan: what more can we say?
If the wings are flapping, someone is fapping...
11/16/10 7:03 a.m.
Next up, the parallel parking competition.

and what did I do last night?
When do they turn into giant fighting robots? Or did they already?
11/16/10 8:29 a.m.
red bull, it gives your van wiiiiiiinnnnnngggggssssssssss.
It seemed like a good idea at the time!
"Optimus...? Is that you?"
"Oh, sorry. Wrong kind of drag race?"
Do these fins make my butt look fat?
In reply to bravenrace:
"Let's get the flock outta here!"
4th van down: Damn! I forgot my hat!
Anybody out there read Japanese? I, for one, would be fascinated to know what the white van is communicating. (Probably information about a web site where you, too, can order... whatever that is.)
It says "You, too, can look this silly!"
11/16/10 2:57 p.m.
It's 1957 and someone puts LSD in the watercooler at Cadillac styling
You could poke someone's eye out with that...
Japanese take on the A Team van?
In this rarely seen ritual, competing male vans vie for the attention of an unsuspecting Mazda5 by displaying their colorful plumage. Across the parking lot, the demon camber cars look on with envy.
jrw1621 wrote:
Next up, the parallel parking competition.
Exactly, how would you like to back those things up?