I've been mulling the options for car transport to the challenge this year, here be the main options as I see them in my order of preference:
Buy a tow vehicle - For $1500 - $2500 I could come up with an astro van or e150, this is nice because I get to use the thing all year for hauling parts and parts of drunk people. Its bad because I'll have to work on a chevy or ford both of which I loath. There's also the potential for the cheap van to explode half way to/from Gainesville leaving me stranded with a rented/borrowed trailer.
pay an auto transport service - Someone at the Frikkers gtg mentioned doing a "group buy" on auto transport to and from the challenge. This has the potential to be reasonably priced but I could also see it melting down into a complicated clusterberkeley with people backing out, not showing up on time etc.
rent a tow vehicle - uhaul charges about 50 cents a mile... at that rate I might as well buy a van.

S10 or Astro are your friends. i pulled my 02 - 04 challenge cars on a dolly behind a short/short sonoma ZQ8 4.3/stick from detroit, never an issue with power or stopping ability.
S10 with cap is not as secure or easy to load/unload as a van, but is much easier to do engine work on.
maybe a 4-door S-blazer with rear seats removed would be an adequate hauler?
3/16/10 9:17 a.m.
9C1 Caprice... Ours is a wagon , had no problem towing from Canada to FLA.. Cheap to buy and comfy.
Nothing like the whail of an LT1.
I'm trying to decide the same thing.
I'm trying to decide how wise it is to put a hitch on the V70. I've heard the auto trans in those isn't the strongest in the world.
If you don't have confidence in a $2000 tow vehicle, don't need it to stay in your life (you mentioned renting) and have the ability to float it, you could buy a nicer one, say $5000, use it, then sell it when you return for somewhere near what you paid for it. If you've got the funds, I see this as being cheaper than renting or paying for a transport.
4.3L Astro = Win. Teh Canexican just bought a 2001 with low miles, toolchests, new tires, etc., for $1000. A messican had supposedly stolen the cat. Turns out, said messican actually stole a resonator. 1 straight piece of pipe later, it passed emissions and is good to go.
Those deals are out there. Be patient. Are you bringing the Durracco? Assuming we get something done on time, you're welcome to crash/caravan with Hong Norrth if we're on the way.
Astro's are topping my search list at the moment, I do like the resale idea also, might pick up something distressed, repair it and make some money out of the deal.
The fetid Scirocco is coming for sure, it will either enter the challenge running properly or serve as a bonfire on Friday night. Either way 'twill be fun.
Is this Hong Norrth related to Peter North? 
I do like the resale idea also, might pick up something distressed, repair it and make some money out of the deal.
Sounds like a solid plan. O.E. intake gaskets are prone to failure IIRC .
You didn't say what you were pulling or if there was a trailer involved.
Trailer with no brakes: http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1643809891.html
...and you won't need a hotel room, you've got one!
Small car on a dolly? I wouldn't shy away from anything like this: http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1641537355.html
3/16/10 2:15 p.m.
Double up with another OH Challenger, or find a team mate with a truck, but no Challenge car or money.
3/16/10 2:43 p.m.
I like the Astro idea.
Do the cool thing and buy an AWD one, then LT1 swap it (easy i hear) after you dont need it for a while. that plus nitrous=holy lollers. Sorta like a typhoon but with more versatility and less cash outlay.
Team up with Supercoupe Al, he has a multi-car trailer and is NY also.
SVreX wrote:
Double up with another OH Challenger, or find a team mate with a truck, but no Challenge car or money.
This could also work. There's gotta be people who want to be part of the challenge but don't have the time/money/skills to build a car.
I really like the teaming up idea, I'll formulate some sort of "wtb" ad for a ride south. Just providing gas money/equipment compensation really appeals to me right now since fixing and maintaining a tow vehicle does not.
I'm in Columbus OH so I'm not sure Supercoupe would work out, that's a pretty big detour.
How race-prepped is the car? I'm planning on driving my Firebird from Cincinnati. Who needs a heater, sound deadening, comfy suspension, etc...
eastsidemav wrote:
How race-prepped is the car? I'm planning on driving my Firebird from Cincinnati. Who needs a heater, sound deadening, comfy suspension, etc...
With yah. I'm driving mine from Indy.
It's a 22 year old vw powered by engines pulled from two hundred thousand mile passats... it's not so much about comfort as it is about reliability. I'll be amazed if the thing lasts the weekend. An 1800 mile round trip commute is way too much to ask of this heap.
ansonivan wrote:
It's a 22 year old vw powered by engines pulled from two hundred thousand mile passats... it's not so much about comfort as it is about reliability. I'll be amazed if the thing lasts the weekend. An 1800 mile round trip commute is way too much to ask of this heap.
Does that mean what I think it does? Or do you have another one?
Go to his garage. The car is listed as twin engine.
I've got a 98 astro I'd sell you for 500.00 on the spot. gotta come to gainesville to get it though. Has a random stalling issue, and needs motor mounts, but I've got the mounts, and would include installation, I've just been to lazy to get out and try to diagnose the stalling issue.
jwdmotorsports wrote:
Go to his garage. The car is listed as twin engine.
Yeah. I know. I've seen the (awesome) videos. I was just wondering if it was the "original" or if there was something new (but similar) in the works. Either way, I'm seriously looking forward to it. Won't be bale to compete myself for a few years yet (jsut got the garage space, and need to sort out how the heck to get a car there wihtout costing me an arm and a leg (either in $ to ship it, or in gas/lost income to drive it there), but am trying to wrangle a trip down to at least hang out/watch this year.
keethrax wrote:
jwdmotorsports wrote:
Go to his garage. The car is listed as twin engine.
Yeah. I know. I've seen the (awesome) videos. I was just wondering if it was the "original" or if there was something new (but similar) in the works. Either way, I'm seriously looking forward to it. Won't be bale to compete myself for a few years yet (jsut got the garage space, and need to sort out how the heck to get a car there wihtout costing me an arm and a leg (either in $ to ship it, or in gas/lost income to drive it there), but am trying to wrangle a trip down to at least hang out/watch this year.
Getting here is cheap, book far enough in advance and I'm sure the flight into gainesville is easy, one of the locals here would prob be more than willing to pick you up at the airport, and get you to the hotel, heck the gateway grand may have a shuttle to and from the airport, hang for the weekend, or split a room with someone to cut costs a bit more, I'm sure someone at the hotel can get you to and from the track. Gas station, and grocery store, are less than 1.5 miles from the hotel, I'm betting on less than a mile but playing it safe. And yeah I'm volunteering myself for shuttle duty to and from the airport if needed, just give me a couple of weeks advance notice in case I need more time off work to make sure it happens.
unfortunately I have sold the trailer....