Spinout007 wrote:
Getting here is cheap, book far enough in advance and I'm sure the flight into gainesville is easy, one of the locals here would prob be more than willing to pick you up at the airport, and get you to the hotel, heck the gateway grand may have a shuttle to and from the airport, hang for the weekend, or split a room with someone to cut costs a bit more,
It's not the cost, its the time/timing that's going to require some wrangling.
I finally pulled the trigger on my challenge car hauler, 1997 ford e150 conversion van with 178,000 on the clock, a bunch of rust on the roof and a 4.6 under the stubby hood. The interior resonates with the essence of many a happy fast food fight, the engine is running on 7 cylinders and eschewing coolant at an astonishing rate.
Assuming I can correct the mechanical problems I plan on ditching the running boards and roller painting the roof a light color. I'm still not sure if I want to go ZAV theme or unicorns and rainbows for the rest of the body. I suggested Zombie Unicorns to my wife and she did not respond favorably.

Zombie unicorns FTMFW.......
Dude I have a couple of 4.6 engines if it is terminal or serious, one is a 93 and one is a 92.
Also have a 6.2 Chev diesel you can use as an anchor
178k miles, 7 cylinders, coolant leak, roof rust, trashed interior...
What are the good qualities of this purchase?
For a ZAV rust doesn't matter, suspect the coolant issue is due to engine.
Good points will be $price$ I am sure
5/13/10 9:54 a.m.
That Van looks mighty sweet compared to the HINO Cab over My partner and I will be taking on the 22hr drive. Could also take the winnebago , but don't have the cash to feed a 454 and a th400 powered barn.
jrw1621 wrote:
What are the good qualities of this purchase?
It has a hula-pig on the dash 
Price too, I can probably get my purchase price back at the scrap yard if it comes to that.
Aussie, I really hope I don't need to replace the engine, looks like a bear.
Anyone have a link to a quality tech forum for e150's?

*edit - added picture of said hula pig.
I can't see the photo at work (I'll check later) but I want to see a "build thread" as it were for this (this thread is good enough...).
At one time, someone up the road had an old ford E150 painted black with the batman logo painted on the back window. The BATVAN! They drove it to church (and as far as I could tell...that's the only place they drove it). Pure, hilbilly awesome! I need to drive by my old house and see if it's still there. I bet it is!