The fuze and relay block under the hood of my 03 GMC Sierra was really gunky. Like a mouse lived in it for a while and some one spilled what I can only gues was a soda nasty. Got sick of it so I got out the pressure washer and went to town on it along with the rest of the engine bay. Let it sit for three hours and it fired right up and runs like before. Probibly not the smartest thing to do but I got away with it. Now I have a squeaky clean fuze block.
Not sure if intended or not but I found you a fuze block.

Something like that would probably do a better job without the worry of water migrating up the wire inside the insulation and starting corrosion.
Having said that a small amount of water at a higher pressure is better that a lot of water at low pressure flooding everything.
Nick (Bo) Comstock wrote:
Something like that would probably do a better job without the worry of water migrating up the wire inside the insulation and starting corrosion.
Having said that a small amount of water at a higher pressure is better that a lot of water at low pressure flooding everything.
Actually tried that and it did not do much of anything. What ever the slime was that did not cut it.
I would be worried about whatever caused the gunk in the first place
Really wouldn't surprise me if it was some sort of soda. According to an assortment of YouTuber's Coca-Cola is an appropriate substance for corrosion abatement in electrical connections.
AFAIK, that CRC Lectra-Motive stuff is basically just chlorinated brake cleaner (the good, non-flammable stuff that requires extreme caution when welding).
7/2/17 5:41 a.m.
Note so bad. I thought you where going to say you went at it wit a wire brush and forgot to disconnect the battery. Resulting in an early 4th of July show.
Crackers wrote:
Really wouldn't surprise me if it was some sort of soda. According to an assortment of YouTuber's Coca-Cola is an appropriate substance for corrosion abatement in electrical connections.
Works in cooling systems also.
7/2/17 1:35 p.m.
If that had been a mid-00's chrysler you definitely would have cost yourself hundreds of dollars. But i'm glad it worked out for you!
Maybe that is it. Someone pored a coke in it thinking it would help. What ever it was it was nasty. I am going to put some dialectric grease on the fuses and relay prongs to help reduce corrosion in the future.
Maybe the coke attracted the mice or mouse that was obviously in there at some point.