I decided to do some experimental weapons testing for the War on Goo. I took apart the headlight switch since I had it out anyway, to see if soaking the plastic casing in alcohol would dissolve it away.

Don't do this! It's a pain in the butt and there's lots of fiddly little bits to break. That said... The alcohol did an okay job, but it still involved some scrubbing, and it ate the rubber grommet on the inside that I thought was plastic. Didn't really need that anyway, right?
Tomorrow I'm going to try a toothbrush for Goo removal purposes.
More wiring hell. Of COURSE nothing is soldered or done at all properly. Lots of wires just wrapped around other wires and secured with years old, brittle electrical tape. No wonder nothing worked...

Mystery transponder removed... A little stabbery took the adhesive nicely off the windscreen.
^^ BTW look at all that pollen! No wonder my allergies are going nuts. ARGH.
Time for another round of... Is this stock?
Some kind of bandpass filter for the stereo I think. It looks awfully tidy sitting in there but the P.O.'s crappy wiring goes into it, which makes me question whether it's original. Did Lotus put it there?
I'm not sure about what to do with these. A while ago I was driving around and identical one fell out of the driver's side under my feet.
Probably why my RH door speaker has never worked. Here it is:

My inkling is to take them out. Don't get me wrong, I love having a decent stereo in my car but I reckon I could buy some Ebay-specials that are miles better than these things. Advice please?
ANYWAY... I needed the car back on the road. I need to go to the hardware store and pick up some things before I can finish this project. That meant putting some of the stuff I'd taken out back in.
First to bodge in the instrument bezel. I decided if I could put a flat piece of metal between the two bottom mount points, it would sit quite nicely on the plastic shelf behind the steering wheel. Now, I thought to myself, with all the junk I have in my office, wouldn't it be nice if I could just go in there and find a perfectly sized piece of metal with holes already drilled in exactly the right spots?

Holy E36 M3! I went into my office and found... a perfectly sized piece of metal with holes already drilled in exactly the right spots. Seriously, I didn't drill or cut that at all. I took it right off a junked metal frame for something that I'd scavenged from somewhere or other. Fear me, universe, for my powers are mighty!

Secondly I needed the wiring harness to go back in. Time to get with the unplugging. Always carefully mark what you disconnect so that it becomes even more annoying when the permanent marker wears off in a day.

Peeled the harness off the fascia and plugged in the bezel:

Headlight switch, now a la carte:

In she goes. Hook up the speedo cable and we're back in business. Looks like crap but it'll drive around fine.

...WELL, almost. Turns out you need the hazard light switch installed for the turn signals to work. D'oh. Fortunately I discovered this as I was turning from the campus onto the very quiet, wooded street that goes to the entrance. Back to the office we go; took the switch out of the fascia and popped it on the end of the cable. Worked perfect.
At this point my fingers were innundated with even more Goo, so you get no pic.
That's it for now! Tune in tomorrow for another installment of "how to expend significant amounts of time and energy making your car worse!" Well, I may have dampened the car's appeal to potential hot dates, but at least I haven't broken anything yet. Don't worry, I'll find a way soon.