ddavidv said:
Gone In 60 Seconds and the remake. The first is a bad movie with a tremendous car chase. The second is a okay movie with a pretty awful CGI infused car chase.
The first movie IMO is pretty good. It's a heist movie. There's good exposition on how their fairly small auto theft operation works (basically, they buy a wrecked car, use their insurance contacts to find a replacement to steal, then switch VINs and auction it as repaired), there's conflict when they steal a car full of heroin and one brother wants to sell it and the other doesn't, they go to return a stolen car that wasn't insured and when the leader goes to steal a replacement, his pissed-off brother calls in a tip for the police to watch a certain parking garage. Then the last 45 minutes happen.
It's certainly a hell of a lot better than Cannonball, which I remembered liking a lot as a kid. I recently found it for streaming (last week!), and found it... unwatchable 
I say, the 1974 GISS, and Ronin, another good heist movie with internal conflicts that complicate matters (and cool cars). But only if the GISS has the original soundtrack, not the DVD version.
1/7/25 7:43 p.m.
I believe it was Hal Needham who said "Screw the dialogue, let's crash some cars.".
In reply to ShawnG :
My favorite part? The highway scene right before the infamous pole hit. Just letting that Mustang sing on an open road.
1/7/25 7:47 p.m.
In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :
Yup, loved that.
It was also filmed on a not-closed highway, without permits and hitting the pole was an accident.
Guerilla filmmaking at it's finest.
ShawnG said:
In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :
Yup, loved that.
It was also filmed on a not-closed highway, without permits and hitting the pole was an accident.
Guerilla filmmaking at it's finest.
Then while filming Gone in 60 Seconds II in 1989, he managed to knock a water tower down on top of himself. He didn't survive that one. There is a DVD out there that has all the footage.
Tom1200 said:
My love of awful movies grows stronger with each post on this thread.
This popped up on my FB feed today. I've never even heard of it but it looks awful. I can't wait to watch it

1/7/25 10:43 p.m.
Watch the original Fast and Furious from the 50s.
A terrible movie but you get to see XK120s and Allards driven in anger like the old, used cars they were at the time.
In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :
Yeah, we have the DVD. Lots of commentary but, basically, they didn’t pull a lot of permits.
stuart in mn said:
Some of these combinations sound like a real life episode of MSTK3000. 
They should probably be watched while consuming cheap beer and delivery pizza.
Some of these films (Eat My Dust! in particular) have been referenced in multiple episodes of MST3K. This is how you know it's worth watching for one reason or another, even if that reason is that it's a godawful Roger Corman trashfest. Throw in the cheap beer and pizza and you're in for a "good" time.
1/8/25 6:35 a.m.
ShawnG said:
Watch the original Fast and Furious from the 50s.
A terrible movie but you get to see XK120s and Allards driven in anger like the old, used cars they were at the time.
I found a DVD copy on a flea market shelf for $5. What a fun trip down b&w memory lane. No, it's not a cinematic masterpiece, but the cars are fantastic.
In reply to DarkMonohue :
MST3K is the barometer of cool. Somewhere I have (had?) a Comedy Central backpack that my brother got from those dudes.
And I still need to see the original Fast & Furious–like, the ’50s version.
I watched Gas pump girls last night, it's on Prime.
It was terrible. It was awesome. Pure 70's trash parody with a little skin and some decent cars
If you're looking for a second movie to add, this would be an excellent choice, and you can relax knowing that no bras were harmed during the filming, I don't think any were allowed on set.
Lee Ving as supporting cast double feature: Clue and Streets of Fire.
eastsideTim said:
Lee Ving as supporting cast double feature: Clue and Streets of Fire.
Of you could do a double feature with supporting roles by Jane Wiedlin: “Clue” and “Bill & Ted.”
These list are totally missing some serious Sci-Fi schlok:
The Black Hole (argh). Disney showing everyone how it's done! (and shiet's the bed big time!)

Dark Star. Which was John Carpenters student film made into a movie. Not that bad really, and pretty funny, just really LOW budget! Have you ever had a meaningful conversation with a bomb?

Did I mention it has an alien?!!? (quite exotic eh?)

Tom1200 said:
In reply to David S. Wallens :
For years my brother and I quoted how many points things were worth..............
Is THAT where it comes from? I've never seen the movie, but we definitely had the points system. I think a driving instructor of mine (not racetrack, "get your license" instruction) even called out 5 points for a dog during a lesson.
How about...


That would make a good Mopar-themed double feature.
This is wilder. Did you know that German TV had their own version of Star Trek back in the 1960s?
It's called Raumpatrouille - Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion.
In reply to Keith Tanner :
Yup there's a scene where the old folks home wheels residents into the street for extra points.
Here is an entire episode:

When I was in university, a local rental place offered 5 movies for 5 days for 5 bucks. So we went on a B movie binge. Until we got to Surf Nazis Must Die, which was bad enough to make us stop. Still, I did track down a copy of the Great Bikini Off Road Adventure a couple of years ago because it was filmed near here. That's my story.
An indy theater in Ottawa used to show great double features. One year, they decided to have a Russ Meyer film festival - two Russ Meyer films back to back, every Tuesday for a month. I went to all of them. I could only get someone to come with me once, then I had to find someone else for the next week.
As for terrible car movies, we have to acknowledge The Ghost Of Dragstrip Hollow. Who else misses the Lost Drive-In on Speedvision?
Tony Sestito said:
How about...

They actually filmed some of this right down the street from where I grew up. I actually got to watch them film some of this, back when I was 16 years old.
Keith Tanner said:
When I was in university, a local rental place offered 5 movies for 5 days for 5 bucks. So we went on a B movie binge. Until we got to Surf Nazis Must Die, which was bad enough to make us stop.
I have Surf Nazis Must Die on DVD; it was one of the movies my wife bought me. It's like it was made by first year film students who were totally high.
That last 10 minutes is hysterical.....................but yeah it's almost unwatchable.
I say almost because the classic B-Movie "The Room" set the standard for unwatchable.
In reply to Snowdoggie (Forum Supporter) :
My brother loved Dirty Mary Crazy Larry; unfortunately he didn't think it was crap.
I on the other hand found Fonda's character a complete douche bag and was quite delighted when the train smashed into the car and killed them all. My brother was quite irritated when I started laughing uncontrollably.
1/8/25 4:28 p.m.
I didn't want you all to miss out on the trans am:
The driver name on the side is peak 80's pun.