This has been on Detroit Craig’s list for about a month or more now.
I keep telling myself not to call.
It's not running, it's a 4 speed.
Tell me the low down on the 4 speed 924's? Are they really slower than molasses on a winter’s day when the furnace has packed in?
From the single pic I don't see rust. The only way this would even be remotely considered is if it is truly rust free.
IIRC with the US-spec models, you really need a calendar to measure 0-60 times. The European spec ones aren't bad, but they've got something like 125bhp instead of the 90-100 the US-spec one has.
Einstein said that insanity is doing he same thing over and again and expecting different results.
You've not done this before so you're not insane. Buy it.
Any thoughts on non running?
How bad is the 4 speed part of the equation?
What's the difference between the Federal 90hp and the Euro 125? If's it external to the engine that's easy enough. If it's compression ratio then all bet's off.
Any car that can make a 1.6L Miata look quick in a drag race is too slow to consider.
OK, the Forum has finaly lost it's sanity. a minute ago there was a post from someone that said something along the lines of:
Buy it for $500
Insert V8 of choice
Sell for profit.
I went to quote and reply to that, but that post has vanished even after refreshing the page 3 times!!!!!
I think the 77's had the euro-spec engine, so it had 125hp. The later ones had the lower comp 95hp.
Think of it this way; low compression 4-cylinder + boost = cheap fun.
Also it isn't about 0-60, think of it more like a 914 or an old British sportscar.
BTW, the 4-speed is essentially the same as the 5-speed used in the later N/A cars so it is a relatively easy swap, you just need the linkage. Watch the spline count and gearing as the later models changed.
924's are usually found not running because the CIS injection is oddly susceptible to gummed up fuel lines and components. Also shoddy 1/4" spade electrical connectors everywhere that suck and need to be cleaned and sealed to work properly. A weekend spent cleaning the fuel system and electrical connections usually results in a lot of progress. A good set of CIS test gauges and a CIS manual can close the loop completely.
Adrian_Thompson wrote:
1. Buy it for $500
2. Insert V8 of choice
3. eeerrrrr
4. Sell for profit.
So as the board software has gone all HAL 9000 on me, I'll quote myself and pretend.
Buy for $500 That would be the idea
Insert a V8 of choise HA, that would make me insane. I have neither the time, $$'s or if I'm honest the ability and inclination to pull that off
Eeerrrr Yes, there would be lot's of that.
Sell for Profit Snigger, make money on a 924? What's the saying about cheap Porsches
Nice try though who ever you were.
chandlerGTi wrote:
Einstein said that insanity is doing he same thing over and again and expecting different results.
You've not done this before so you're not insane. Buy it.
No, I insist on clinging to my insanity. I may not have done a 924 before, but I have done the cheap piece of E36 M3 with big ideas, little money and end in disaster before.
Formula SAE
wash, rinse, repeat
BTW, my friend Khal bought a 78 on a whim and drove it from Vancouver, BC to Portland, OR for a 924 meetup at the Portland Historic Races.
In the process he fell in love with it:
Here's the meet:
turboswede wrote:
BTW, my friend Khal bought a 78 on a whim and drove it from Vancouver, BC to Portland, OR for a 924 meetup at the Portland Historic Races.
In the process he fell in love with it:
Here's the meet:
Oh they joy of living in the PNW for you guys. A car that clean would have 2-3 times the price tag of the $1,500 he mentions
OK, off to drag my copy of Peter Morgan's 'The original Porsche 924/944/968 out of the basement and have a look.
HappyAndy wrote:
1. Offer $500 (or less).
2. Swap in your favorite easily obtained V8 and whatever trans its connected to.
3. Go to a Porsche club track day and beat up on some proper P-cars and get kicked out.
5. Profit.
Wow, it's back, but in a funky format. The board is out to get me..AAaaaggghhhhhhhhhh
In reply to Adrian_Thompson: Something wierd is going on. My #5 turned into a 1, and I couldn't edit it for some rwason, so I deleted it and tried again. And it came out exactly the same?
10/10/12 8:18 p.m.
Who broke the board, damnit? This is why we can't have nice things!
OK, even the next day the formatting is screwed up. Something very strange going on.
Looking at the book last night Morgan claims that early 77 Federal/Canadian cars got 90 hp with an 8.0:1 compression ratio. Mid year they changed to an 8.5:1 comp ratio and changed the cam profile and raised that to 110hp and these are refered to as77.5 cars. I didn't see any other way to tell them appart. I've no idea on torque as the text and reference table at the end of the chapter contradicted each other.
I'm not sure I trust that as I know his ' the complete xxx' books are a bot of a fluff piece and not every accurate.
Any way to tell a 90hp car from a 110hp car from the outside?
The board breakage is a sign, Adrian.
E85 + Boost- should be a rocket, with no changes.
really, just boost on 8.5:1 is fine with a MS controlling things.
So then the question is how robust is the rest of the drive train? Those can be made to handle darned well, as far as I know.
I don't think you'll find a better challege car that easy to do.
Yes Eric, don’t think I haven’t considered it. I even have a turbo that no one’s bought yet. but it’s really for a diesel.
But this reality thing keeps coming up to bite my ass.
I don’t have time for the challenge. If I take on a mega project like removing CIS, adding Megasquirt and a turbo the chances of me personally finishing this thing before the sun begins to cool is slim to none.
I need to keep my eyes on the prize. Cheap, running or close to it toy that I can drive to work on nice days and do autocross/track days/TSD’s and rallycross in. Then tinker with slowly over time. Now what you need to do is find me a nice cheap running non rusty Alfa from your private stash 
Keep It Simple Stupid!
I'm out of town this weekend, but I think this is worth an e-mail to the seller for more info.
Well crap I've fixed the formating, I almost liked it beter when busted.
"Insanity is simply a minority of one" 
There is something to say about a car that can break its own "should I buy this" thread...
chandlerGTi wrote:
Einstein said that insanity is doing he same thing over and again and expecting different results.
You've not done this before so you're not insane. Buy it.
It's circumstantially (yes I made that word up) correct, yet Einstein is once of my heroes. He just didn't understand law enforcement well enough.
One of my favorite quotes along with most of his.
if it was closer to me i would offer him $750.00 for it. and then put 944 badges on and sell it 
but really the 924 is a misunderstood car. they can be fun to drive and play with on some back road.
Come on, it's right up the road from you. Stop making threads and GO LOOK AT THE DAMN THING! You know I'll come with. 

Tom_Spangler wrote:
Come on, it's right up the road from you. Stop making threads and GO LOOK AT THE DAMN THING! You know I'll come with. 
Next week I promise, we're heading upstate looking at land this weekend!!!
well it is detroit so you can probably haggle him down a bit, pick up a SBC from his neighbor for 200 and you'll be good to go!