Started last night on the highway while driving into work: Sounded like a rapid flapping of a loose something or other. Came on pretty suddenly. It seems to come only while moving but not sounding linked to necessarily to speed (like a bearing etc)
Now I believe it’s coming from behind the instrument cluster and it sounds like an angry hummingbird flapping around in there.
Any ideas?
Who is Derek Richardson and why is he making noises in your dashboard?
At first thought, your speedo cable , but duh you probably don't have one. Next, were you running the defroster(blower fan with foreign object perhaps)?
3/1/18 9:08 a.m.
"I'll take 'Seemingly Irrelevant Thread Titles' for $200 Alex."
Grrrrr!!! This happened to be before! Supposed to be somewhat more related to my LOUD rattle. Mods were quick to fix it. Thanks for the comic relief in the meantime guys!
Should read:
”2006 GMC Sierra LOUD dashboard rattle”
3/1/18 9:10 a.m.
In reply to ebonyandivory :
That makes a lot more sense. One of the mods can change the thread title for you.
759NRNG said:
At first thought, your speedo cable , but duh you probably don't have one. Next, were you running the defroster(blower fan with foreign object perhaps)?
Yeah, that’s what I thought at first. It’s not digital though, it’s a real needle type.
Its NOT a loose dash panel I believe, it’s pretty loud. Like interrupting-the-music-loud.
One of your heater control motors with a stripped gear? Automatic heater? Put it in manual mode and see if it stops.
A plastic shroud under the front of the vehicle that is loose, and starts flapping once you get a certain amount of wind speed? (Civic. Test driving for a noise on a windy day. It would make noise driving west, but be silent going east. WTF?)
3/1/18 9:52 a.m.
At first I thought maybe Derek Richardson was an obscure race car driver I'd never heard of who passed away.
As for my diagnosis, probably a stripped or weak HVAC actuator. They go bad all the time in Impalas and make a pretty good racket. Some are easy to access, others not so much
Thread title updated 
I think Derek has been in my dashboard too, I have something that rattles every time I make a turn at speed.
759NRNG said:
At first thought, your speedo cable , but duh you probably don't have one. Next, were you running the defroster(blower fan with foreign object perhaps)?
I wasn’t using the heater. Well, the fan was on the lowest setting and the fan speed didn’t change the sound at least.
So, I asked my wife to take my truck and listen to the noise (I’ve learned asking people with no knowledge of anything automotive can be very helpful).
She came back from a ride and I saw her checking the wheel wells for loose liners or whatever.
She then reminded me of the tape strips they forgot to remove after a new windshield installation. 4 strips from glass to roof. They were partially hidden by the trucks visor.
Boy do I feel stupid! It was the strips of tape that had loosened enough to start catching wind and rattling/vibrating loud enough to drown out the music!
Lessons: Dont overlook your wife for answers to car problems and don’t overlook the least obvious solutions to your problems.