Many of us have the same addiction to gathering cars and projects. It seems like I have a binge and purge thing I go through repeatedly. Buy buy buy. Repair, build, improve. Oops, I'm falling behind on maintenance. I have to move three motorcycles to get to my parts shelf. Dead battery again? Sell them. Sell them all.
I sold two Boxsters this month (I still have plenty). I loved them, but too many cars and things can become a burden rather than fun. I really feel good, like a load has been lifted.
Going on Facebook to mark the ad as "Sold", I found myself browsing for more project cars and bikes. Stopped myself. I *HAVE* project cars and bikes. Next time I feel the urge to buy, I'm going to trailer up a project car and drive around town for an 30 minutes before I bring it back home. Pretend it's new again.
Does it feel better to buy or sell?
4/30/21 7:41 p.m.
There's only been one car out of 20 that I've sold for reasons besides that I felt its time was coming (or had come). There's nothing good about that feeling. That's a pretty funny idea you have there though. Maybe I'll go "shopping" for my winter driver before I fire it up again
They give me different flavors of anxiety.
And joy or relief often, but when faced with it as a broad philosophical question...
I've learned it's better to sell than to buy. But that doesn't stop me from looking at project cars, even though every vehicle I own (and our house) is a project!
Buy. I am defined by the worthless piles of crap I own. If I ever sold anything, I would naturally become less defined.
Appleseed said:
Buy. I am defined by the worthless piles of crap I own. If I ever sold anything, I would naturally become less defined.

Answering question, I buy stuff because I'd rather have the stuff than the money. I feel that the trade is one to my benefit, else I would not be doing it. The problem is, I generally buy stuff when I see a good deal, and I have a hard time re-trading the stuff for [disdainful voice] money because it's really unlikely that I'll be able to get that same kind of deal again.
4/30/21 8:24 p.m.
No matter the outcome there is always joy in the buy. The sell, even if it brings a sense of relief is usually accompanied by some regret or sadness.
In reply to JThw8 :
The only bad feelings I had when selling the Vette was that the guy buying it didn't seem to know anything about cars.
4/30/21 9:13 p.m.
Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter) said:
In reply to JThw8 :
The only bad feelings I had when selling the Vette was that the guy buying it didn't seem to know anything about cars.
Dont get me wrong, there can be a lot of joy in selling a car too but if that joy comes from unloading a mistake that's still a worse feeling than the unbridled joy of a new purchase.
I admit, the last two car sales have brought relief--more time to concentrate on the rest, I figure.
Tom Suddard
Director of Marketing & Digital Assets
5/1/21 6:52 a.m.
I think the winning is the fun part. Finding that unicorn you've always wanted or getting a good price for something you don't always feels good.
Funny that I opened up GRM this morning, and saw this. I've been on a tear lately buying things. Today I'm picking up a Jaaag XJ8. I've also been working on another orphan XJ (Jeep variety). I think my wife has reached the saturation point before me. Oh well, enjoy the gathering before it splits up.
If I don't buy janky projects, I can't get that good feeling of selling it to the next guy with high hopes.
Cars dictate to me if they should be sold. Once we come to an understanding I am on to the next on.
I actually like the hunt for another car. Most of the time once I actually purchase something there is a bit of a let down.
The hunt is what I live for. Finding rare things, mint condition.
Once they are home - drive it a week, lose interest. 99.99% of things I buy are a letdown.
Then start the game of the full sale. Stacks of profit = super fun.
Thus I live for both. Can't have one without the other.
Covid economy has been the best thing that has ever happened to me in life.
In reply to AAZCD (Forum Supporter) :
It depends on why you sell. If you sell to recoup part/ all or a profit. You can be pretty happy with selling.
If you sell a beloved car for other priorities it hurts like heck.
I'm done buying. Projects at my house will take the rest of my life plus.
Maybe if my interest or something else changed, I could see where a replacement could be called for.
HATE selling. With A Passion. I think it is because I am anal about my cars I feel like they are never ready to sell and then have anxiety that I missed disclosing some imperfection during the 8 minute phone call. Always anxiety. Astonished at the folks in here that dont share my issue.
Buying is my ZEN. Hunting. Killing. Upgrading. Maybe even drive it a few times.
I loved selling most of my cars. I do regret selling my 1990 Eagle Talon TSi AWD with a biggee stage eleventeen turbo and my 2002 F250 Lariat (CC/SB) with a 7.3 diesel, manual trans, manual transfer case, manual hubs.
The F250 is the one I will never get back. Dealer special order, good color, 2 other owners, southern rust free.....Oh man I miss that truck.
Selling?!? You mean you can.....get rid of cars????!?
I still own ever car I've bought, I only really buy for long term.
5/2/21 1:36 p.m.
The two operations, buying and selling, aren't directly comparable - the dynamics are different.
You always feel great when you buy a car, or you wouldn't have done it.
When you sell a car, you either miss it because you sold it for various reasons (family, space, monetary) but wish you didn't have to, or you feel great because you finally unloaded that lemon on someone else.
Those two opposing feelings will probably balance out over time unless you are particularly good or bad at buying cars.