pointofdeparture wrote:
In reply to Chris_V:
That is a TOTAL misquote. I never said that the E38 was garbage, just that you wouldn't find me in anything post-E32.
One of the interesting words in the English language is "implication." You did it when you said that and then said the automatics are garbage. The E38 is post E32 and has an automatic. Thus the implication. In my experience the E38 is a better driver's car than the E32, and I think it looks better. And it's as easy and cheap to work on, and may have a much larger supply of parts that are cheaper than the E32, especially OEM parts. I know the aftermarket is larger for the E38.
I like the big 6 in the smaller cars, but for the full size cars, the V8s and V12s are just better choices (and I'd love to add an '01 750iL Sport to the collection)
I said that the automatic transmissions are garbage, because they pretty much are. Remember that these have the factory "lifetime fill;" nobody but the most savvy owners ever think that the factory recommendation might not be kosher, and as such, you see a LOT of the BMW autos crapping the bed at about 150k.
I see a lot of cars of every type E36 M3ting the bed at 150k due to lack of maintenance. But most of the E38s I've had the pleasure of dealing with have been going strong well past that point (my first one had 143k on the original trans when I got it and was still perfect at 185k). My current one had 150k on it when I got it. Trans works just fine.
Yes, there are horror stories of "Transmission Failsafe Program" messages and the cars going into limp mode, but they aren't as common as you might think and often have nothing to do with the transmission.
And even though they are lifetime fill, many people do the BG Flush on them and have great luck up to 250-300k miles.
And that ZF steptronic might be a neat transmission when it works right, but try to find someone willing to help you out when it needs a rebuild...or price out the special fluid it needs...yeah.
When it needs a rebuild, you replace it as good used ones are inexpensive. But they rarely need a rebuild. And a BG Flush costs a reasonable amount, so just do that instead of pricing out BMW fluids.
Some might have had good luck with the E38 but all that I have personally laid eyes on and driven have been ragged and full of problems.
Then you've barely experienced them at all. I'm in an owners group of a few hundred of them and none are ragged and beat on. Check out E38.org and the E38 section of both bimmerboards and bimmerforums. It's a great, large community of people that know quite a bit about these cars.
Here's a part of a recent local meet of my group, Midatlantic 7s:
And another:

And here's my buddy's 500 hp supercharged one: