confuZion3 HalfDork
8/13/08 11:58 a.m.

Does anyone here have experience with these folks? Their preregistration seems complicated. I just want to attend a Time Trial / HPDE event. From what I understood prior to trying to register, you don't need any sort of special licenses or training to go - sort of like a Friday at the Track thing. This comes from folks who have done it (but I haven't talked to anyone about it in a while, so my mind is forgetting).

When I went to register, the site got mad at me and told me that I didn't have "any sort of license information in my profile". Right, because I don't have one, so back when I registered, I did what it told me then and put "unlicensed" in the blank. I'm also getting the vibe that I need to go to a Time Trials drivers school before I can enter. The school costs $20.00 according to the site.

Is this all supposed to be mixed together? Do I take the $20.00, apply it to my entry fee, and take a classroom session in the morning on the day of the event?

Any help would be appreciated.

aeronca65t Reader
8/13/08 2:11 p.m.

I'd recommend ~THIS~


MUCH more betterer based on my experience.

confuZion3 HalfDork
8/13/08 2:53 p.m.

Thanks! I'll look into the second one there for sure! There's one next weekend!

ddavidv SuperDork
8/13/08 3:15 p.m.

I've tried to get excited about EMRA but I've had the same issues. It just is too vague compared to, say, NASA. I almost feel I need someone to hold my hand through the initial process.

Additionally, I've caught wind of some infighting amongst the leadership that it may be wise to sit out until it blows over.

Woodyhfd HalfDork
8/13/08 3:29 p.m.

I've run with EMRA and had a good time.

Talk to Wreckerboy.

confuZion3 HalfDork
8/13/08 3:31 p.m.

Who is Wreckerboy? Is he on this forum?

Do I need a competition license to run EMRA time trials or HPDEs?

confuZion3 HalfDork
8/13/08 3:32 p.m.
ddavidv wrote: I've tried to get excited about EMRA but I've had the same issues. It just is too vague compared to, say, NASA. I almost feel I need someone to hold my hand through the initial process. Additionally, I've caught wind of some infighting amongst the leadership that it may be wise to sit out until it blows over.

They don't even have a phone number of an office that you can call if you have questions. They expect you to e-mail them every question you have. Matter of fact: I e-mailed the registrar this morning and I haven't heard back. Fine: I can give them 24 hours to respond without complaining. But I bet that it'll take much longer.

boxedfox New Reader
8/13/08 4:33 p.m.

Yeah, their website could use a little work. Here's how that whole TT licensing thing works.

  1. You do not need a special license to run HPDEs / TTs prior to running your first event.

  2. The "TT School" is required if you've never run with EMRA before. It's basically just in-car and classroom instruction during the practice sessions. You can roll the $20 fee into your prereg payment or pay them at registration. EIther or.

  3. At the end of the last practice session, if your instructor deems you safe enough to run solo (and not hit anything), you are issued a TT license and are allowed to participate in Timed Runs.

Your TT license is good 'til the end of the current season. Add it to your profile when you sign up for your next event and you're good to go.

boxedfox New Reader
8/13/08 6:38 p.m.
ddavidv wrote: I've tried to get excited about EMRA but I've had the same issues. It just is too vague compared to, say, NASA. I almost feel I need someone to hold my hand through the initial process. Additionally, I've caught wind of some infighting amongst the leadership that it may be wise to sit out until it blows over.

Not sure what all that fuss was about at the beginning of the year, but it seems to have calmed down now. I was out with them a few weeks ago, and I didn't really notice much of a difference in how things were run (at least, from the past few years, that is).

I agree with you though - they can be pretty intimidating. Probably because they don't have much PR other than word of mouth. They're a friendly group of guys though, and aside from a few differences (i.e.: fewer show cars, more driver's cars, slightly faster pace in the non-student groups) they operate pretty much the same way as the other track day clubs in the region.

Woodyhfd HalfDork
8/13/08 7:49 p.m.
confuZion3 wrote: Who is Wreckerboy? Is he on this forum? Do I need a competition license to run EMRA time trials or HPDEs?

Wreckerboy used to be the EMRA tech guy. I would expect that he will find this thread.

wreckerboy SuperDork
8/14/08 6:13 a.m.

(cue Superman theme music)

Wreckerboy here!

I'm a 20 year EMRA veteran. At various points I've been the Chief of Tech, TT Chair, Lackey To The Stars, and world famous Hero To The Momentum Challenged. I currently am not affiliated with them in any fashion, and I am not happy about that. EMRA suffers from a lot of things, and poor publicity skills is one of them. The rest are probably not appropriate to discuss here, but PM me and I'll point you to a site that can flesh it out for you. ddavidv and Woodyhfd are right, there have been and remain some serious issues there.

To answer your immediate question - EMRA is vague but they do not mean to be, it's a sad by-product of their structure. They offer more of a competition-based experience than your "typical" HPDE. You'll need a license to run with them, but that is relatively easy to accomplish. Contact their Time Trial Chairs, Mike and Julie P. Look on their home page for the Contacting EMRA button bar and send a note to them.

But as aeronca65t (another EMRA "refugee") noted, there are alternative venues to play with in the Northeast. I recently ran with NASA at Pocono and had a blast.

Woodyhfd HalfDork
8/14/08 8:24 a.m.

I knew he'd find you!

confuZion3 HalfDork
8/14/08 2:28 p.m.

YAY! Thanks!

car39 Reader
8/14/08 2:59 p.m.
aeronca65t wrote: I'd recommend ~THIS~ Or ~THIS~ MUCH more betterer based on my experience.

Thank for the vote of confidence. I run with the first "this". We try to make "that" as much fun for everyone as possible. We still have openings for our Aug 29 date, the September 29 Circuits Maximus date is filling fast. Sept 29 we rented the entire Pocono circuit, and are running all 3 small road courses at the same time.

aeronca65t Reader
8/14/08 3:22 p.m.

Yeah, I told Fiero-Dana that I'd try to make the Circuits Maximus thing with you guys this year. I'm running NJMP the previous weekend with my vintage car, and I've got a few Honey-Do projects for Fall weekends. Right now, I'm trying to figure out if I can work it in (I know you guys have a car limit for the event).

wreckerboy SuperDork
8/15/08 9:08 a.m.

Don't worry about the car limit. Odds are by mid-day there will be at least opening due to Fiero failure!

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