..... know instantly you are destined to own it?
My business partner brought this Fiat 126 up from the L.A. area.

I apologize for the crappy teaser image. I will get more pics when I get it out of the trailer in the morning.
He bought it because it was too cool to leave behind even though he can't think of what we will do with it. I knew the instant I laid eyes on it, it will eventually be mine.
This little guy has the "big" 652cc aircooled twin and is outfitted with an Alquatti manifold breathing through a 40mm DCOE. I am sure it is a real fire breather. Lets be optimistic and guess 28hp at the crank? Imported from Italy in the 80's but never titled. I hope the packet of Reagan era paperwork is still good enough to get the job done.
I work with a lot of exotic and expensive cars and the sight of this little bugger made my heart leap into my throat in a way that I can't rationalize.

Funny. Car Mechanic Simulator 2015 has that car in it.
Since it's over 25 now, you shouldn't have much trouble. Awesome.
That's awesome.
You're awesome.
I've got a gut feeling that a 40 DCOE might make it slower, unless it's only running on one barrel or something. Way cool either way.
If I remember correctly those weren't allowed to go above 60kph in Italy. 
angriest sounding lawn implement I have heard
I am sure the carb only has 22mm venturis installed. DCOE 40's were factory installed on 1.3 and 1.6 liter Alfas so 1 carb for 650cc is about right.
Holy berkeley I want that. Keep me in the loop if it doesn't work out - I'm just a few hours north, Tacoma area.
Just awesome! Makes a Mini look gigantic!
3/8/16 5:56 p.m.
I love it! Good luck with getting it registered.
Wheeler Dealers featured a 126 in their Trading Up series a year or two ago, there are some clips of it on Youtube.
Yes I have felt that way and missed my chance. When does the build thread start?
That white one is "d0p3, ¥œ!"
Me thinks it needs two cylinders added to the mix. Something in the 1300cc range.
3/8/16 8:18 p.m.
So how does a Fiat 850 and a Fiat 126 compare?
The 126 is a lot smaller. From the factory they were rated around one minute to 60mph with a top speed not far away at 64 or 72 depending on year. Basically a scooter with 4 seats. Two cylinder air cooled motor. The 850 is almost like a real car compared to this. A stock 850 special could sprint to 60 in a mere 22 seconds and keep going to almost 90.
I am going to have a talk with Joe tomorrow. Let my intentions known.
In reply to RossD:
A 126 is more like a second gen 500, that's what it was sold as.
Jumper K. Balls wrote:
angriest sounding lawn implement I have heard
I am sure the carb only has 22mm venturis installed. DCOE 40's were factory installed on 1.3 and 1.6 liter Alfas so 1 carb for 650cc is about right.
Nobody could be unhappy driving that. Makes sense on the carb.
Nice indeed! Waiting for the build thread 
that looks like a lot of fun!
Hmmmm... I need a new eco-car, too... Stop putting ideas in my head.
That would be perfect for running to work in.
It may be too nice for this, but inspiration: