I've always thought it was the spurving bearing, just inside the logarithmic casing? But maybe that's just an internet legend.
I've always thought it was the spurving bearing, just inside the logarithmic casing? But maybe that's just an internet legend.
paddygarcia said:I've always thought it was the spurving bearing, just inside the logarithmic casing? But maybe that's just an internet legend.
Yeah, don't believe everything you read on the internet.
Didn't someone ask this question a bit ago? I mean, in a more generalized sense of why pdk/dsg trans equipped cars sound like they do on shift? And obviously in a less... pretentious manner?
iansane said:Didn't someone ask this question a bit ago? I mean, in a more generalized sense of why pdk/dsg trans equipped cars sound like they do on shift? And obviously in a less... pretentious manner?
Except this is not a DSG, this is someone who is not driving a manual trans very smoothly.
Dude, I have literally never seen this here. I did not know it was even possible. So, congrats. The most downvoted post ever? Maybe?
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