So the F150 is running kids funny. When it is at idle at a stoplight, it shakes quite a bit and when I am cruising at a constant speed it has a hesitation. I am guessing it is a fuel problem since the cap, rotar, spark plugs and plug wires where replaced fairly recently (it was owned by a fellow board member so I am fairly confident this was done) so my guess is a fuel problem. Any ideas of where to start?
Running funny you say?
You could help us out with a year and engine.
Yeah that would probably help. 1995 with a 5.8, I guess the best way to describe it is it feels like someone is lightly kicking the back of the seat...
Soft misses are fuel. Obxious and hard misses are spark.
On something that old, fuel filter and all-rpm fuel psi test. If those check out, injectors and related wiring.
Does it do this when warm and/or cold?
Any codes or check engine light?
Without more info we could run through every multi-initialed sensor in the book only to discover that it needed a bottle of injector cleaner.
Changing a fuel filter will never hurt. You know it was a problem if mud pours out the dirty side.
Check the plug wires and plugs 
Recently swapped parts are the first to check on
egnorant wrote:
Any codes or check engine light?
Without more info we could run through every multi-initialed sensor in the book only to discover that it needed a bottle of injector cleaner.
No codes. Already ran injector cleaner thru it.
Kenny_McCormic wrote:
Changing a fuel filter will never hurt. You know it was a problem if mud pours out the dirty side.
Yeah I am going to do that first. Probably needs it anyway.
Funny- ha ha, or funny damn strange?
Last time I had a rough idle and run regardless of temperature, it was the QuickTrip fuel I put in. It happened twice. I don't get fuel there anymore.
This was in a 5.0 F150.
What plugs are in it?
I've had MANY that had anything other than OEM plugs in causing many misfire issues.
I use Motorcraft plugs in all my Fords.
First, clean the valve body. They get gummed up and vacuum passages (as well as the IAC passage) get obscured.
Check the timing chain for play. That is a common issue.
Then check the EGR valve. It can get sticky and respond disproportionately to vacuum.
Then check the MAP sensor. Find someone with a Genysis or similar scanner and you can monitor what numbers its supplying while these "kicks" are happening.
IF it is a modern ford then yeah its a EGR valve. But that old I would have to say spark.
Stop buying your oil at the gas station that shares a lot with the comedy club.
Did you try getting drunk and heckling it?
Stop buying your oil at the gas station that shares a lot with the comedy club.
Did you try getting drunk and heckling it?
So I change the fuel filter, changed the transmission fluid and cleaned the throttle body. I also checked the spark plugs and wires. They are good. The truck runs much better now but it still idles like crap.
Also the radiator is leaking.
I can't catch a break. The radiator in my Civic is done, the fiance just had to have the A/C compressor and alternator belt replaced and now the radiator in the F150...
Also the fluid was reddish brown. What is the chance my transmission will not be long for this world?
Reddish brown would be normal. Brownish black would be bad.
nicksta43 wrote:
Reddish brown would be normal. Brownish black would be bad.
Sweet. This is the first automatic I have ever owned so I had no idea.