So when did the 2nd gen Intrepid come out, '99-00?
I was 16 and on the way to school in my '87 Escort GT, behind a new Intrepid waiting at an on ramp to Rt. 16 in Newington, NH. Thought he went... no such luck. His car was brandy new, still had 20 day plates, when I drove up the back of him at 5-10mph. I apologized profusely, he told me it should buff out(yeah right, you could read the reverse of my AUTOXR vanity plate in his bumper plastic), and we parted without police or exchange of information. The gorgeous blonde I was driving to school was most unimpressed as I threw the twisted front plate in the windshield on re-entry. They've since changed that intersection from a stop sign to a real merge lane.
Then Pearl Harbor Day, Dec 7 2000, I was skipping class in my senior year. A buddy went with me, we terrorized THE STATE in my new-to-me cream puff, one owner '91 Civic RT-4WD. Mudding, rally practice on gravel back roads(I thought I was Colin McRae, and had just taught myself Scandinavian flick), covered 300+ miles all over the place. Wound up WAY off the beaten path on Dame Rd in Durham, NH, my favorite gravel back road, very challenging, narrow, winding "course" with light residential traffic. Last run of the day before we went back to school to get his car, I entered a decreasing radius off camber ~220 degree left on pea gravel at oh... 50 or so. Hard downshift to second, big flick, HUGE slip angle... and I panicked and lifted. Snap oversteer to the right halfway through the bend, exited the road broadside, air over a dirt berm, landed solidly on granite boulders, stopping just short of two very large trees and the frozen swamp.
No cell phone. It was 15 degrees out and windy. No jacket or gloves. $4 to my name. Skipping school... dead meat. Walked a mile to the UNH nature conservatory building, which was unlocked. Met a very friendly hippie girl inside who made us hot chocolate and let me use the phone to call my mum, who was livid. Another hour for the wrecker and my mom to arrive. Insurance adjuster found that while the body and suspension were untouched, I'd mangled the subframe a bit, and smashed the timing cover and crank pulley... It ran long enough to bend the valves and who knows what else.
So much for my baby and my rally days. I have kids now and after MANY tickets and a few hair raising incidents, I've finally grown up a little and slowed down.