Any idea what this little guy is worth? I think he had it listed for 1400 last week but pulled that in favor of a trade. I have a 2009 Yamaha XT250 I am selling and thought I might see if that fits his trade interest but I might want cash on top. Thoughts?
It looks uncommonly clean for an 850, I haven't seen one in 30 years and they were all rusty back then. I always thought they were cool little cars, if it's solid underneath $1400 or trades sounds pretty reasonable.
Yeah, wow, sadly you don't see many of them these days. Craig Way (Dr. Xenon) owns a fast one.
5/12/14 12:49 p.m.
Gone already. I was kind of hoping to see it since it's in my city.
Was it a spider, coupe or sedan?
There really isn't any part of these cars I don't know intimately. The spiders are the heaviest of the three at over 1600lbs. The sedans are featherweights at ~1400 and the coupe is in the middle of the weight range.
Spiders are relatively common. Coupes are hard to find and very desirable. Sedans are unicorns, and probably the least desirable but also my favorite.
There are always at least a dozen spiders for sale on the west coast. There is a lot of six the next town over from me for $1200 right now.
It was a spider with a removable hardtop, which I've never seen before.
There were a few aftermarket hard tops. If you find a car that has had one for most of its life you are in luck. They keep out a lot of the water that rots these cars out so badly.
I forgot one variant. The racer. It was the spider body with a metal coupe roof. Almost as rare as the sedans.
It was a reasonable clean like spider, from the 3 pictures. I was thinking that a fair trade would be car plus 1K for my bike but I will never be able to find out I guess.
I always wanted an 850 Racer. They look like the spider but are a coupe instead. We used to have one that autocrossed with us back in the '90's.
Series 1 coupes were cooler

But I am partial to my sedan