Last night I logged on and there was page after page of spam. It's gone now, so my post has no context.
it has context for those of use that saw what 100 pages of Asian spam looks like..
i like the idea that someone had of calling it "getting Booked" or something like that due to the username being "Book"..
I just sunk a crapton of canoes spamming the first page and applied The BanHammer liberally to the offender. May have nipped another 100-page canoe invasion in the bud...
iceracer wrote: Here we go again. Would help if we new what you are talking about.
Last night a canoe spammed the forum enough to fill 100 pages!
Knurled wrote: Wouldn't it properly be a book of canoes?
This has my vote. Call Websters, make it official!
I think motoiq had a similar problem a while back, ended up just blocking all traffic from China.
our celica forum has been overran now for months. It's insane. I think the shift to social media instead of forums has caused more of them to crop up, and with the lack of forum support we can't get rid of it.
Help me understand- What's the point? What is the advantage to the spammers?
Is this just malicious mischief, or do they potentially get something from it?
In reply to Bobzilla:
Wow, what do you know they got another 13 pages in the 10 minutes between when I reported it an your post.
SVreX wrote: Help me understand- What's the point? What is the advantage to the spammers? Is this just malicious mischief, or do they potentially get something from it?
They can potentially get business/victims and it costs them nothing, doesn't take any effort once you write a script to do it.
In reply to GameboyRMH:
So, you are saying someone might click on those links and buy something with no understanding of Mandarian Chinese nor need for the product?
Or is there some other form of business to which you are referring?
Sounds a little like throwing the bills up in the air and paying the ones that stick to the ceiling.
They're looking for google-fu from the links coming into them.
I use a more robust registration system. Normal users won't have much indication that I have a whole bunch of checks happening in the background to determine if they're a decent human being or not. But I catch nearly all the spammers before they're ever registered.
Second tier -- which I haven't needed to do -- is throttling posting to stop automation, preferably coupled with a check against the prior post to ensure it's not the same thing getting re-posted.
In reply to Tim Baxter:
Right. But how can links like that possibly EVER create a single click?
It doesn't make any sense.
SVreX: they don't have to produce clicks. Much of your google search engine results placement is derived from how many links point to you (among other factors). The spammer thinking is that by producing a crap load of links to themselves, they will rise in the google results and get real business.
As an aside, that's why we should all link to GRM's great content frequently. Just not spammer-frequently.
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