I'm looking at swapping the 2.0 engine in an 2007 or so focus for either a 2.3 or 2.5. The 2.5 is a little more complicated as it has VCT and will probably need some tuning to get it running correctly. I used HPTuners on my LSx swap in a Henry J and loved it, but I've heard the ford programming is a lot more restrictive. What would be the best method for monkeying around with the PCM and changing fuel tables be? We're running an automatic in this so we can't go with megasquirt for engine management.
The engine is still in the planning stages, we want lots of torque and good throttle response for daily driving. We may go with a 2.3/2.0 head on a 2.5 block, but the 2.5 head flows so much better I'd like to keep it if possible. The local junkyards on car-part have 2.5's for around $300 with under 100k.
5/13/15 8:38 p.m.
While not exactly what you are looking for, I do have some similar experience. My girlfriend has an 07 Mazda that was a 2.3 and we recently swapped in a 2.5 from a 2012 Fusion, along with the 6 speed manual from a 2010 Mazda3. Basically, you have to swap everything between the long blocks, but it almost all fits like it was meant to be there. The intake ports in the 2.5 are much bigger, so much so that we couldn't get the 2.3 intake manifold to seal well with it as there was little overlap, so we found a guy on the Fusion forum that had made a very small run of adapter plates to make it work. We got the 2012 Fusion motor with 920 miles on it for $700. The mid range torque difference is very substantial, and it is a bit smoother overall. We are basically just running it as a 2.3 using the stock 2.3 ECU and everything, but with the 2.5 injectors, as the little bit more flow in the injectors plus the allowances in the fuel/spark tables made it so that the stock 2.3 ECU could handle it with no problem. Fuel economy is basically unchanged. You certainly can have the stock ECU tuned for the new motor, and apparently there are some decent gains to be had, but we haven't done so yet as this is just a DD and it is running great so far with the swap, about 2500 miles in.
I'm not sure about the VCT differences, as the 07 Mazda 2.3 had the same VCT as the 12 Ford 2.5.
You could see if these guys can help:
Randy from fsworks did my tune for my SVT focus. I would recommend Randy over the other big Focus Tuner - Tom - aka Tom's Tune. Randy has much better customer service.
If this moves forward - build thread please.
Look into the Miata 2.5 swaps, if you haven't already. The MZR is a Duratec. Actually, the Duratec is an MZR, but there are a lot more Duratecs
As for tuning, we use ECUtek on the Mazda computers. I don't know if they can run the Focus boxes or not.
5/14/15 3:49 p.m.
Based on your location I would check with McNews Automotive
for tuning. Located in Dillsburg, PA. Bobby and Ray have been tuning Focuses since 2000.
I've read that the 2.5 MZR's have forged cranks, can anyone confirm this?
The plan right now is a stock 2.5 swap to start with, and if it still needs more a cylinder head from a 2.3 with some aftermarket cams.