I've tried for over an hour to be able to log into Speed TV to leave a message to no avail. So I've vent my frustration here.
C'mon guys actually SHOW us the GT cars. You occasionally talk about them but all you show us is the DP cars, that is unless a GT car gets in the way.
The first retirement by the Mazda Diesel rated about 10 seconds in a split screen with everything focusing on a DP car with suspension damage. The second one only rated a comment. The only time we actually saw one was a few precious seconds before the race began.
You say Audi R8s are doing well, but have we seen one? NOT for over 2 seconds as a DP car passes them.
This is why I worry about the merger. ALMS is so much more fun to watch and we get a better blend of coverage.
This is the main reason I get bored real fast with LeMans coverage. I don't really care about seeing the prototypes, personally. I want to see cars that look like real cars. I want to see Porsches and Vettes and GTRs and R8s and such....
1/26/13 9:43 p.m.
Dunno, I watched about 15 minutes this afternoon and I saw nothing but A8s and 911s.
I'm with you Irish. I want to see real cars. The Corvette DP has a minor resemblence to a real car so it's more interesting than most of the others.
Duke you must have just got lucky. I've watched it straight for 3 hours and I just finally saw that one of the Audis is a Rum Bum car. The only 911s I've seen are those with tire & body problems
Magnus has some coverage on their website.
Oddly, after my last post I turned it back on and it was nothing but Porsches :)
Oh, and a recap of the skyactiv Mazdas calling it quits. Well, at least they look good.
I've had it on since they started and I'd have to say the coverage is about 60/40 favored to the DP's.... Much better then the normal coverage.
I'm not sure what ALMS coverage you are watching, but their coverage is almost always biased toward the LMPs. Of course, the point is moot, because nobody can freakin' watch ALMS events live.
I'm watching it off my DVR so I'm behind the actual race, but I'd be absolutely ecstatic if the coverage so far had been 60/40. I'm 4 hours or so into the race and I've hardly seen a GT car unless it's been in the way of a DP, had a tire issue, a pit stop & one mention of 4 Porsche's traveling together.
They've mentioned the Audis and showed them when they were interviewing one of the drivers. The Ferrari had shifting problems so they showed it for a while. Even when the Mazda's were having trouble we hardly got to see or hear about the car.
If something's not wrong, then GT doesn't seem to exist.
I have yet to be able to log into Speed's chat to voice my displeasure as apparently it's jammed from so many people.
Maroon92 wrote:
I'm not sure what ALMS coverage you are watching, but their coverage is almost always biased toward the LMPs. Of course, the point is moot, because nobody can freakin' watch ALMS events live.
Well no one will be able to watch ALMS races after this year.
I've watched every ALMS race live the last two years...
Stevenson is out, don't much care 
Rusted_Busted_Spit wrote:
Jamesc2123 wrote:
I've watched every ALMS race live the last two years...
Me too.
I realize it is possible. I did it a couple of years ago. Since I moved to Ohio, however, it isn't possible. Nobody here offers cable and internet that ESPN3 accepts.
In reply to Maroon92:
No TimeWarner?
I'd just like to be able to hear the announcers over the roar of the cars. I love the roar of the cars, but the balance is off on a lot of Speed programs, including Grand Am and Barrett-Jackson in particular.
Last year I complained to Grand Am, and a nice lady replied and said I wasn't the only one complaining about that. She said she notified Speed, and they said they were doing their best.
Rusted_Busted_Spit wrote:
In reply to Maroon92:
No TimeWarner?
No cable. I'm in an area that requires a satellite...
I saw a ton of GT coverage yesterday.