So the need for a winter car has gotten more serious. For my budget (~3 to 3.5 k) it seems like my best options are a Forester or a Legacy. It looks like there are at least some fun options as far as suspenstion goes for the Forester - not so much for the Legacy. I'm not looking for another project or race car, but something dependable that I won't be completely unhappy behind the wheel yet will make it up my driveway. Any comments on my research?
New Reader
6/22/09 10:11 a.m.
Low miles,EJ22,5-speed...I would pounce on this one.
It's a Brighton so I would expect no options other than possibly A/C.
Tom Heath
Production Editor
6/22/09 10:23 a.m.
As a Legacy owner, I often wish it were a Forester. I think the WRX/Impreza crossover parts would make for an easier time in the junkyard.
That said, either would be fine, and parts are pretty cheap. Too bad you aren't looking for a project, because my car is looking for a home up north.
In reply to The_Jed:
That's the one I was looking at.
It's close to me and has no roof rack, which are two positives. I am a little suspect that it's that clean. There is a 98 Forester in Buffalo that is also in the running.
In reply to Tom Heath:
It doesn't really take much for me to be swayed - toss me some details and who knows what will happen!
6/22/09 5:06 p.m.
That Legacy being a Brighton isn't exactly a hot property. Everyone seems to want Outbacks (except me). Strippers aren't easy to sell, which is perfect for guys like us.
The Legacy offers a longer wheelbase and more cargo bay depth. Other than that, it's pretty much the same car though it may possibly weigh more than the Forester. I started a web page about our Forester that has some good basics and a link or two you may find helpful. David's Foz page
The Legacy Outback can't be lowered like other Legacys. It has welded in height spacers in the rear. The Forester can be dropped down to Impreza height with a simple spring & strut swap. I really need to take some photos of ours and get it on the page.
Just be aware of the head gasket issues with the 2.5's. As long as you know what to look for and plan around it, it's not that big of a deal. We chose the Foz over the Legacy because it just seemed to fit our needs better and the wife wasn't wild about the Legacy's somewhat dowdy styling. The Forester message board is actually pretty good.
6/23/09 5:18 a.m.
While the HG's can be done with the engine in the car, I think it's false economy to do it that way. Plus, you can deal wih the back engine seals and have a look at the clutch while you're at it. My local specialist always yanks the engine; to him, it's much faster than playing contortionist.
Well, I'm waiting for some more information about a Forester I saw. I did poke around the Forester forum a week or two back. Dave - I'm headed in kind of the same exact direction you talk about on your web site. If I go with the Forester just some suspension upgrades and maybe an exhaust. We'll see as I await some more pics! The Legacy I actually like the styling a little better (I have a soft spot for ugly I guess). There just doesn't seem to be many upgrades for the suspension.
fornetti - that is awesome. There's a parking lot near me that usually will plow but not salt behind the buildings and there have been reports of someone in a Volvo 740 turbo doing countless donuts and power slides while giggling like a little school girl. We can only hope this person is caught and handled in the proper manner by the authorities. (perhaps another reason I need a new car - I swear people would come out on their porches in the apartment complex near by and watch me)
The head gaskets - I'm concerned but I do have a little shop of my own and also access to a more proper shop with lifts and non-Harbor Freight tools and some adult super vision.
Thanks guys! Hopefully one of these will work out.
We went through this in 2000 when we bought our first family car. Ultimately we went with the Legacy Outback. It just seemed to us to have more usable space. We've been very happy with it and plan on keeping it until it explodes.
I'd be all over that Brighton. I'd bet you walk in with 25 Ben Franklin's it could be yours.
More suspension for the Forester is due to the fact that it's essentially an Impreza with a tall box body. The Legacy did start off on an expanded Impreza chassis, but diverged much faster. I know all the STi goodies fit under a Forester without too much work.
New Reader
6/23/09 1:19 p.m.
The Legacy rides nicer due to its longer wheelbase
i had the legcey myself. i have totaly hated the way the forst looks....the legecy come about since it was a steal for 1500 at the time for the l model and 210,000 on the if i could a one more.....
Ride - I'm somewhat concerned about but I'm more concerned about not being bored driving it that passenger comfort. Looks - I agree that the Legacy is better looking, but given most of my current line up is all square and boxey I obviously have some sort of fetish. Still waiting for some details on this Forester up north, so no choices have been made just yet.
6/24/09 6:02 a.m.
Much of the dorky factor can be removed by lowering and adding a proper set of wheels:

I don't know that the ride is that much better as I've not driven a Legacy that I can recall, but the Foz doesn't ride bad. It's not like a Jeep or something that will 'hobby horse'.
Spray bombed black wheels with stock suspension. I think they're a good looking car.

Well, I asked for some more pics of the Forester and I'm a little put off by this pic:

It looks a little rough under there. Thoughts? Unfortunately this is on ebay and is 4 hours away. I might just sit on it and if it doesn't sell drive up next week and look at it in person.
New Reader
6/24/09 10:15 a.m.
You can put any spring and/or strut that is manufactured for an Impreza(up to '04,I believe) on a Legacy;all you need are Impreza rear upper strut mounts/hats.
It looks like a jack has punched through the "subframe" rail and there appears to be quite a bit of oil under there.
You don't live in the rust belt, do you?
Actually I do live in the rust belt... Rust I can deal with, a hole punched through the "frame" I'm not so excited about.
I'd skip that one. They're a dime a dozen at this point so finding a good one should be pretty easy. I think the Forester Sport XT of about 2005-2007 is the best looking forester, with that mesh grill whooo I love it.
6/24/09 2:03 p.m.
Maybe the photo isn't big enough for me, but it looks like a mis-jacked car that partially crushed a rail and a bunch of split/cracked undercoating, not a hole through the rail.
Yeah, it was too hard to tell. I let it slip. No one else bid so if it pops up again I'll try to arrange to be up there. It does look like it was jacked up wrong - not the end of the world but I think there are other options out there.
The search continues.
Thanks everyone!
Thread jack question: could you ever get a factory turbo Forrester and a manual here in the states? For some reason, I recall reading you could only get a turbo with a slushbox.
6/25/09 12:09 a.m.
I'm pretty sure you can get one with a manual, I think we had one on the lot at the dealer I worked at back in '05 but can't remember. Those were fun little cars...