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Advan046 UberDork
12/7/22 6:33 p.m.

Are you ready for 23?

Races that is. ...cheeky

MiniDave Reader
12/7/22 9:12 p.m.

24 if they can.....Portugal or Turkey are lining up to fit in where China was going to be.....plus 6 (count 'em - 6) Sprint races next year. Vegas will be a party, if not exactly a great race.

I'm actually looking forward to next season, many new faces to watch. I think the Mercs are going to be strong contenders again, and maybe Ferrari might be in the fight too.

Word on the street is they expect Alonso's presence and Stroll's investment in facilities and people to really lift Aston next season, and HAAS  is saying the new Ferrari engine is a "bomb". I hope he means that in a good sense!

So, lots to play for. MBZ will be out for Red Bull blood. Max will be in form. Checo has something to prove. LeClerc is always fast if fragile at times. The unknowns will be fighting it out in the midfield and I wouldn't be surprised to see some new faces on the podium this season.

Could be fun.

wvumtnbkr PowerDork
12/7/22 9:53 p.m.

Can't wait!

84FSP UberDork
12/8/22 9:11 a.m.

Super excited and hope to see another year of good battles across the field.  I have to get the family and I out to a race in person.  Yeah I know the race is better on TV but the atmosphere, the sound, and the fans can only be had in person.  Tentatively thinking Montreal for a few days then the race.   


Anyone have tips from doing the Canadian GP?

HoserRacing HalfDork
12/8/22 11:01 a.m.

Yep, wouldn't mind doing the Canadian GP, that seems like it would be a good experience.  Looking forward to next year!


triumph7 HalfDork
12/8/22 12:31 p.m.

Actually Austin is probably a better race to attend in person.  COTA was easy to access the fenceline for over half of the track if you go general admission.  However, get there reeeeeaaaaallly early if you want to set up around turn one.

kevlarcorolla Dork
12/8/22 2:59 p.m.

I was supposed to go to the Canadian GP with a friend last yr but couldn't make it.

 He's from Quebec and said never again,organisors still have no clue how to run a weekend despite decades of doing so was his assessment.

Tom_Spangler (Forum Supporter)
Tom_Spangler (Forum Supporter) PowerDork
12/8/22 4:27 p.m.

I've talked about going to the Canadian GP for years. It's an easy day's drive for me, and I've never been to Montreal, so I'd like to see it some day.

kevlarcorolla Dork
12/8/22 5:29 p.m.

In reply to Tom_Spangler (Forum Supporter) :

Be carefull with accomadations,my buddy rented air bnb months in advance only to find out when they arrived the douchbag had rented it to a higher bidder last minute.

 Lucky he had family(near 2 hr drive away though)as there was nothing available even remotely affordable.

Tom1200 UberDork
12/8/22 8:29 p.m.

I should be excited about F1 coming here to Vegas but sadly I know we are going to soak people on everything from rooms to food.........we just can't help ourselves.

With that said I think the poeple who do pony up will have a great time.

z31maniac MegaDork
12/9/22 7:54 a.m.
triumph7 said:

Actually Austin is probably a better race to attend in person.  COTA was easy to access the fenceline for over half of the track if you go general admission.  However, get there reeeeeaaaaallly early if you want to set up around turn one.

A group of my friends had gone to every F1 GP since COTA opened until this year. A lot of ridiculous things they told me + increase in ticket prices they finally called it this year and didn't go. 

vozproto New Reader
12/9/22 12:23 p.m.

I was contemplating going with my 2 brothers for the first time this coming year. It seems GA is now over $400 a weekend (up from like $180) and any level above that is $1000+ for tickets alone. 

Not to mention just about everything is already sold out. sheesh. 

06HHR (Forum Supporter)
06HHR (Forum Supporter) Dork
12/9/22 12:43 p.m.

I went to COTA back in 2016, great experience with GA tickets back then and reasonably priced.  I think i spent more than $180 in the Heiniken tent that weekend.  I cheered when Miami got a grand prix weekend, until I saw how much tickets cost.  My SWMBO asked me if I was going and I said even if i had $2100 to blow on GA tickets i would not do it.  Now i'm priced out of both events, even with COTA being the more "affordable" of the two.  

triumph7 HalfDork
12/9/22 12:43 p.m.
z31maniac said:
triumph7 said:

Actually Austin is probably a better race to attend in person.  COTA was easy to access the fenceline for over half of the track if you go general admission.  However, get there reeeeeaaaaallly early if you want to set up around turn one.

A group of my friends had gone to every F1 GP since COTA opened until this year. A lot of ridiculous things they told me + increase in ticket prices they finally called it this year and didn't go. 

That's a shame.  In 2016 I was in Houston on a contract job with the option of staying on the weekend... paid rental car, paid hotel room, per diem... only cost me a ticket at $130 IIRC.  Reasonable enough but still about 3X what Indy F1 cost.

loosecannon SuperDork
12/9/22 1:09 p.m.

Let me tell you a story of going to the Montreal Formula 1 race in 1999. I was a long-haul truck driver and I delivered a load to Montreal the weekend of the F1 race. My dispatch called to say they had no return load for me so just sit in Montreal and wait until Monday. PERFECT! I bought weekend tickets at the hairpin and went for FP1. It was amazing seeing and hearing the cars come barrelling towards the hairpin them accelerate away-I was in heaven. Then my berkeleying dispatch calls me and said they found a return load and I had to go get it right now. I had no choice but to leave and I've never been to a Formula 1 race since-UGH!!!!

BoulderG New Reader
12/9/22 3:14 p.m.

As some friends said about skiing here in Colorado, the prices and costs in the USA make it less costly to go to Europe for a long weekend and see the race there.

I'm also a huge fan of Historic and Vintage high end racing in terms of great visual and aural entertainment, low crowds, affordable tickets, and great variety - got to see some amazing stuff at Watkins Glen in 2021. Here's pics!


z31maniac MegaDork
12/9/22 3:50 p.m.
triumph7 said:
z31maniac said:
triumph7 said:

Actually Austin is probably a better race to attend in person.  COTA was easy to access the fenceline for over half of the track if you go general admission.  However, get there reeeeeaaaaallly early if you want to set up around turn one.

A group of my friends had gone to every F1 GP since COTA opened until this year. A lot of ridiculous things they told me + increase in ticket prices they finally called it this year and didn't go. 

That's a shame.  In 2016 I was in Houston on a contract job with the option of staying on the weekend... paid rental car, paid hotel room, per diem... only cost me a ticket at $130 IIRC.  Reasonable enough but still about 3X what Indy F1 cost.

WE have a daily email chain we all share to talk about racing, mostly F1. I think they just said next year a GA ticket is $475 + fees. 

759NRNG PowerDork
12/9/22 7:34 p.m.

Sprint races at all events..... and DRS whenever .....regardless of driving skill .....just cuz ....wave your over taker with a kind and friendly thumbs up  G'day mate gesture and there  you have it .....should assuredly give the siverarrow the much desired results they seek g'night.

MiniDave Reader
12/9/22 8:35 p.m.

So it's looking more and more like Fred Vasseur will be the HMFIC at Ferrari F1 next season, rumors say that he won't take over till 2023 but that he's already bought a house just down the street from the factory.

My question still stands - if he's the answer, why wasn't Alfa further up the grid? 

Advan046 UberDork
12/10/22 2:07 a.m.

In reply to 84FSP :

I went to Canadian GP in 2007. Work sent me to Toronto last minute and I found a hotel with a room in Montreal. It was a great event. I guess after the experiences at two Indy GPs anything would be an improvement. I like tracks with nice grassy areas to wonder around. Montreal had that vibe. Took public transit in the morning. Walked around a bunch. On race day I had seats at turn 2 and they were great. I was able to go on track to cheer Hamilton's first win from below the podium! 

Getting back to the hotel was a long walk. Like realllllly long. But I was young and didn't know the city so I chose to walk to see stuff. It was a cool vibe walking with F1 fans all around me. 

I didn't try to attend any of the entertainment in downtown Montreal. Just too tired from work and the drive back was going to be tough so priority was sleep. But when I went to find dinner there were F1 like chassis in the middle of a road and the road was closed off and there was music and lots of F1 fans hanging out. 

If I every take my family to an F1 race the first will be Montreal. yes

Advan046 UberDork
12/10/22 2:13 a.m.

In reply to 84FSP :

So my tips may be too old now. But get your hotel room now. Decide if public transit will work and get the hotel near a stop. It is on an island next to a decent sized city so enjoy the trip to and from the track and don't try to make is fast. 

I think I chose my seat based on big screen location and I like seeing the start.

I am not an at track shopper souvenir type so don't know how that stuff was. Just bought a hat because the one I brought got wet. 

vozproto New Reader
12/13/22 11:05 a.m.

F1 teams are playing musical chairs again. With team principals this time. Here is the roll-up:

Ferrari Binotto is out

Alfa Romea Principal Vasseur to Ferrari Principal position

McLaren Principal to Sauber(Alfa Romeo) CEO Position

Capito @ Williams is out. 

So now we are awaiting new principals for Williams and Alfa Romeo. 

This is silly. Out of 10 teams, 4 are changing up principals. 

DirtyBird222 PowerDork
12/13/22 1:46 p.m.
z31maniac said:
triumph7 said:

Actually Austin is probably a better race to attend in person.  COTA was easy to access the fenceline for over half of the track if you go general admission.  However, get there reeeeeaaaaallly early if you want to set up around turn one.

A group of my friends had gone to every F1 GP since COTA opened until this year. A lot of ridiculous things they told me + increase in ticket prices they finally called it this year and didn't go. 

Oh so they must have had a conference with the people that now run the Daytona 24H and Sebring 12H? 

alfadriver MegaDork
12/13/22 8:43 p.m.

In reply to vozproto :

What a day.  At least Ferrari, Sauber, and McLaren had plans and filled the holes- what in the world going on with Williams/Darlton Capitol?

Advan046 UberDork
12/14/22 9:43 p.m.

In reply to alfadriver :

Yeah it is interesting that Williams just chopped the head(s) off their organization. Kind of set themselves back to pre-sale condition. Maybe getting ready to sell the team to Andretti or Hyundai or unknown buyer #3. 

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