2/11/18 10:56 a.m.
So there are three care guys in our home. 12 year old, 15 and nearly OG. A lot of the time I am a nearly developed human being. Sometimes not so much. Today we are having a made up car name contest. We have the golden badger 12s. Ford Flatulance. The flying rhinocerous. The red cat deluxe. Bring it.
2/11/18 12:51 p.m.
The Toyota Pious. The Lamborghini Overcompensatorio. Rolls Royce Imperial Royal Crown Princess Regal Oh ToHellwithit.
New Reader
2/11/18 12:58 p.m.
Reminds me of the GTA series car names, Toyola still my fave.
Ford exploder and excretion are my favorites
Fiat 124 sport. I named G#d Damned POS.
Our Crown Vic was named "Dwight the White Whale."
My 2002 Escort has been alternately named "Red Fred" and "The Millennium Escort" (She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid.)
My wife named her Focus "Bruce" (Lee).
She calls my Miata "Mr. Miyagi."
I lack creativity and maturity. All my cars have been "The [insert car color here] turd"
Grand pricks. Toyota crayola. Puick lé sobber. Grand Ma. Mitsubishi Aüslander. Subaru Impretzle. the Cramit. The Grand Damn. Chevy Carvit. AMC Pace-your-self.
2/11/18 3:16 p.m.
Oldsmobile Buyer's Remorsa
In the mid to late 90's when all automotive styling seemed to aspire to emulate a well used bar of soap I referred to the then new 3rd gen escort (particularly the zx2) as the new Ford Mucous.
Chevy equifax. Puntiac Gutless Tiara.
2/11/18 3:29 p.m.
Screwbarus and scoobydoos seem self explanatory.
Frucks started out as a friends old Ford truck and eventually became all trucks when they were acting up, short for f'ing truck.
The craptavalier was the only car of mine I named. Reliable as gravity but twice as ugly, mismatched wheels, dents and spray can explosions all over.
2/11/18 3:30 p.m.
A nickname really 'Bar o' Soap' ..........2003 Olds aurora sitting in the driveway 
I always thought Ford should have built a bigger & more expensive SUV named the Expenditure.
Ex-SWMBO had one of these when we met:

I quickly named it the Malipoo.
I drive a lot and one of my habits is to rearrange or slightly change the vehicle names. Terrain becomes Terrapin, Love the SL AWD and imagine an FL AWD or even CL AWD. Change a GMC to CIVIC with a few well placed deletions. Mercury Mystique becomes Mistake. Always try to add a U to Toyota TRD trucks.
My friend Shonda got a bit upset when I put an S on her little Honda, but she soon loved it!
In reply to stanger_missle :
2/11/18 7:32 p.m.
I imagine a 1970's malise era land yacht...
The Pontiac Leviathan!
Don't forget the Ford Fucus. Also, some friends pointed out that "anal" can be added to the beginning of most Ford names.
On edit: There's the FestivaL and the Tore-ass.
This thread reminded of all the brake calibers and rotaries I've sold for Nissan Sentrys.
The Latin root for year is "annus", which has two N's. The Latin root for anus has one N.
Mazda Millenia is literally the car of a thousand anuses.