Carl Heideman wrote:
Yea, if you washed down with lacquer thinner, that may have contributed to your problem. I think you'd be wise to check with the paint manufacturer about curing/respraying as you mention.
I've had some pretty frustrating experiences with fisheyes before, mainly on fiberglass from motorcycles or race cars where oil was more or less impregnated into the surface. Sometimes, it took multiple sandings/resprays to get it to stop, no matter how clean I thought I had it. So, what I'd advise is that, after sanding the bad areas, spot paint them and wait long enough to make sure you've solved the problem. I'd hate to see you respray the whole car and have the same problem again, given the price of paint these days. Also, depending on what paint you're using, you may be able to just spot-repair those areas, then clear the whole car. Again, check with the paint manufacturer about that.
There are enough pock marks scattered around the car to justify a scuff and paint. Besides, its a metallic so spot repair is not an option.
Two coats on now and they gave good coverage, so if I scuff again and re-shoot I should be OK.
Funny you mention it, but a lot of the pockmarks went away when I did the second coat. What I SHOULD have done is stopped after the first coat and scuffed it, washed with the right stuff and then carried on. Would'a saved a couple of hundred in paint cost. Chalk it up to the cost of learning something new.
Might try for a re-shoot this week-end if all goes right and I can get Saturday for sanding.
I just noticed you cleaned with a leaf blower. Was that a 2 stroke? I'd guess the oil in the exhaust was your issue.
Regarding getting better on the 2nd coat, I've had times when I put down a coat without the DX 73 and fisheyes started. I'd put in the DX 73 for the 2nd coat, apply while the first is still wet, and the fisheyes went away. It's not a cure-all, but it's bailed me out more than once.
Carl Heideman wrote:
I just noticed you cleaned with a leaf blower. Was that a 2 stroke? I'd guess the oil in the exhaust was your issue.
Regarding getting better on the 2nd coat, I've had times when I put down a coat without the DX 73 and fisheyes started. I'd put in the DX 73 for the 2nd coat, apply while the first is still wet, and the fisheyes went away. It's not a cure-all, but it's bailed me out more than once.
The instructions from Sherwin Williams clearly state not to use fish eye eliminator as it will impair adhesion. In today's world of Silicone in every product we use, that was a concern.
The leaf blower was electric and the car was in another garage during the great dustbowl cleanup. To anyone who has never used a leaf blower to clear out a garage after a month on bodywork, it is quite interesting.
Looks like I have 7 days to either shoot more stuff on this base, or sand it all off, seal, sand. and repaint. So looks like the weekend is planned out for me!
Wish me luck
My only gripe with the fisheye preventer is that I have seen it make single stage look hazy. That might not be a problem with BC/CC. And I learned the 'lacquer thinner is not a cleaner' thing the hard way too. 
The painting is the easy part, the prep is the hard part.