So I got my car running again, but I have this one little problem. Its infested with ants! The mean and mass reproducing little berkeleyers. These things...
So what's the best way to kill them all?
What kinda harm would I do if I fogged them out?
P.S. Ninja edited twice cause I'm not a pirate.
4/28/12 11:22 p.m.
Im thinking little piles of amdro ant block and/or glue traps?
4/28/12 11:38 p.m.
Have you tried ant spray?
Any spray with Pyrethrin in it works really well on ants (and most other bugs) It brakes down with oxygen and light so ti has a very short life.
The stuff I have said it is save for use around kids / pets. Being that it is an "all natural neurotoxin". Use with care.
There is the ortho home defence is another option but be ware that it has a very long life span so if you have pets and kids I would be careful.
Find out what they are eating and get rid of it. If they are brining food back, cover the ground around the car in ant spray. Hopefully that way they will die outside of the car..
They hate WD-40. And it doesn't smell all that out of place in a car. Doesn't really kill them though.
I live in the woods. I have found that putting a home ant bait thingie or two in the vehicle will discourage them. I drill a hole in the corner and zip tie it in the engine bay somewhere where the ants won't have trouble finding it, like on the fender well, etc.
Find out where they are coming from . . . Kick over the mound and add raw grits . . . seriously, it works.
In reply to Dr. Hess:
That sounds like a good idea. I was kinda thinking about using some foggers, but I don't know it would hurt my fable ectronics in my car it is a 20 year old GM car.
I have guinea hens that I use to get rid of ants in the yard. Just sprinkle a bit of food on the ant hill and the birds take care of the rest. I'm not sure how this would translate to the inside of a car, but it sounds like an interesting experiment. On your car.
In reply to Lesley:
I have not thought of that one...the wifey wants a new pet anyways...