6/4/10 11:03 a.m.
Well, we finally found a replacement for my gf's smushed Taurus. We're buying a 2003 Pontiac Vibe base model, A/T, 72k miles. We test drove it this morning. It runs good and is in nice cosmetic shape, but it will need tires soon. What do I need to know about these things? I know it's mechanically its the same as a Matrix, which itself is basically a Corolla wagon. Are there any common failure points? Good places for information?
psteav wrote:
I know it's mechanically its the same as a Matrix, which itself is basically a Corolla wagon.
They are? I just learned something new. Was not aware of that.
Yeah, they were built by Toyota. The Vibe GT is a Matrix XRS, they both had Celica engines, and are kinda fun to drive...
6/4/10 11:26 a.m.
I really like the size and function of these cars and highly considered a new one as a replacement for my wifes '99 Rav4. Then I had one as a rental car for a week. I hated the driver's seat. Specifically, the seat offered absolutly no lower back support. I researched the Matrix and the seat is exactly the same. Neither car offered an upgraded seat option.
I liked the cars so much that I even considered new Recaro seats. Have you ever priced them? The nice ones are thousands of dollars a piece which made it cost prohibative.
Of course, seat comfort is a personal opinion thing. You may not have a problem with them. Certainly many people must not have a problem when you consider how many have sold.
I always thought the Vibes would depreciate quicker than they seemed to. I have not check in a few years but I remember them keeping their value suprisingly well.
Related to a Mr Heisenburg?
6/4/10 12:00 p.m.
I just had to chime in here and say how much more I enjoyed reading this title instead of "learn me *". Also my cousin has a Vibe and really liked it when he initially got it, but I haven't talked to him about it in a while.
man I got stuck with one of those as a rental. I frigging hated it. Over-boosted steering, over-boosted brakes, soft under-damped suspension, automatic trans, and it think it drags the door handles on the ground around every corner.... gah
When I wasn't driving it, it did have some features I liked... The plastic lining in the hatch area with tie downs was nice, I also liked the 110v power outlet (saved my butt since I had forgot my car charger for my phone on that trip)
6/4/10 12:43 p.m.
Jay wrote:
I just had to chime in here and say how much more I enjoyed reading this title instead of "learn me *".
I agree.
I had considered answering in Shakespeare-ian iambic pentameter but admittedly, I am not that good.
I think I read somewhere that the power windows were troublesome on both the Vibe and Matrix. Also, my boss has a Matrix, and just this morning she mentioned she had had to get the transmission "fixed" to the tune of $1,000. I didn't get a chance to ask her to elaborate.
Like others, I also considered a vibe at some point, but in my case it was the seat to steering wheel position. This will probably work okay for a woman, but with my long arms and long legs it was a no-go.
In my area, I've seen 2 '09 Vibes advertised for sale. One was a GT and one a NON-GT....both "low miles" for $14K.
If it was JUST a Matrix or a Vibe...I'd go with the Vibe, as it's much better looking.
6/4/10 2:16 p.m.
I used to date a girl whose cousin worked for GM doing quality control for Pontiac. We used to call him "Ernie the Vibe-Rater." He didn't like that very much.
To M030:
You expect anyone in GM quality control to have a sense of humor?? (Grin).
"Ernie the vibe-rater" is a great line....
I have a friend with a Matrix XR 5 spd... complete with TRD bushings(no longer available) He likes it quite a bit, for a fwd car. He owns 2 AE86s, so he is quite the nimble car enthusiast
TRD did make a supercharger kit for the 1ZZFE engine, including complete ECU. Not easy to find these days, but a real score if you do
Like Tommy, I "don't want to be That Guy," but Shakespeare knew that "thee" is singular. If he were addressing gentlemen (plural), he would say "you," just like us.
However, if he were a true GRM person, he would also say:
"The answer's plain, for all the world to see:
Respond 'Miata' when I question thee."
Sorry. Long weird day. Back to the Vibe.
New Reader
6/4/10 5:52 p.m.
Parents have a Matrix. We drove to Carlisle today and all i can say is that the seats are very uncomfortable. The driver's seat can be forced but on the other side of the car you feel like you're going to slide forward all the time.
did it go in for the gas pedal recall yet?
6/4/10 9:09 p.m.
Capt Slow wrote:
man I got stuck with one of those as a rental. I frigging hated it. Over-boosted steering, over-boosted brakes, soft under-damped suspension, automatic trans, and it think it drags the door handles on the ground around every corner.... gah
The only time I ever drove one was at the Autoshow In Motion (R.I.P.) and I thought it had waaaaaay too much body roll. (That's saying a geo rolls quite a bit)
ok so if body roll is such an issue just bolt up some sway bars and some "sport" springs.
Prbolem solved.
I drove a rental a few months ago. Compared to some of the crap GM has slapped their name one, I was actually impressed. The only thing about it that I found irritating were the AC controls. Once I got used to them they weren't horrible, but they aren't what I would call intuitive. It does have some body roll, but what do you expect out of an econobox. The really surprising thing was it would scoot. The little 4cyl was willing all the way to red line. If they weren't so small I would consider getting one for the wife for her next car.
We bought one new in 07, for the lower than toyota price and GM warranty.
Only problem we have had was a cut wire on evap system, can only assume a squirrel got pissed we were saving our gas vapors. Cost too much $$ to fix at the dealer after they refused to warranty angry squirrel work. Also lied to my face but that's a dealer not the car.....
Thought this thing was the bomb when we researched.
It is an appliance.
The e-throttle makes me want to burn it alive.
Returns about 36 mpg on average with the auto.
Seats get better if you break them in. As compared to a low mileage example from my uncle, the new seats stink.
Tires do not seem to last, this thing is terrible in the snow with all seasons on it. Think it might be the wide tire and over aggressive stability control. Were looking at awd for a bit but didn't want the mpg hit.
Other than that I have done all the maintenance on it. Full synthetic oil changes, full synthetic tranny fluid changes. No real problems. Just broke 100,000 miles, transaxle is fine, all power windows work fine.
As reliable and boring as toyota makes them. I liked the echo we had before it.
6/5/10 9:08 a.m.
Alright, alright, so I don't know Shakespearean grammar. I still appreciate the responses.
jrw, I'm not crazy about the seats, but she seems to like them fine. For DD duty for her (she's not a gearhead), I think it will be just fine. I drove it enough to know I won't hate it when I have to get behind the wheel. The suspension is kinda soft, but I've got my Miata when I want to tear up back roads.
The more I look, the more I think we got a really good deal, as well. $5250 for a 72k mile car in nice shape. Private Party KBB value in good shape is a little over $6k.
6/5/10 9:15 a.m.
Just considering other possible options, I rented a dodge caliber a few months ago, very impressed!...
Crap interior, but interior volume is huge, handled well, chassis is very stout, seats were reasonably comfy, mpg was good, smooth engine etc. Not sure how they'll hold up in the long run, but I bet it's in your price range.
6/5/10 9:17 a.m.
Semi-interesting tidbit:
Toyota sold the Vibe body as the Toyota Voltz in Japan.

Early cars should have a throttle cable, the later cars are fly-by-wire.
I take a small pillow or a folded up towel with me if I am driving any more than about a half hour...I shove it behind the small of my back and it really helps the long-term comfort of the driver's seat.
With TRD sway bars front and rear and some stiffer bushings (but stock springs and shocks) the car seems to offer a good balance of acceptable ride quality and acceptable handling and response for an appliance type of car. No, it won't be the best ever through the twisites, but those mods keep it from dragging the door handles and suffering perpetual understeer. And no, the ride and NVH won't give most upmarket cars any cause to sweat, but it is fine compared to most others in the market segment of cheap small wagons.
The 1ZZFE is a willing engine, with fairly good torque for a little four. I would call it willing, but I wouldn't call it exciting.
The utility is awesome...tons of room for hauling for an economical small car. The mileage with a 5-speed is also really good...I usually get in the low-30's for mpg in the city, mid-30's with mixed driving, high 30's on the highway.
daytonaer wrote:
It is an appliance.
My girl has one (non-GT) bought used at 30k mi and now has 65k mi. Only issue was a steering wheel wobble that she let go forever (I don't know how she could live w/ it, made me mental after 2 min). It was probably a tie rod. The wobble toasted her front tires, but was fixed to pass inspection. I forgot to ask her what the mech. replaced. That's it mechanically. Only other problem i can think of is that the tire pressure warning light stays lit no matter what we do...
It does everything an appliance car should do.
If you're looking for "fun", or "tossable", or "racy", look elsewhere...
6/5/10 4:42 p.m.
problemaddict wrote:
daytonaer wrote:
It is an appliance.
My girl has one (non-GT) bought used at 30k mi and now has 65k mi. Only issue was a steering wheel wobble that she let go forever (I don't know how she could live w/ it, made me mental after 2 min). It was probably a tie rod. The wobble toasted her front tires, but was fixed to pass inspection. I forgot to ask her what the mech. replaced. That's it mechanically. Only other problem i can think of is that the tire pressure warning light stays lit no matter what we do...
It does everything an appliance car should do.
If you're looking for "fun", or "tossable", or "racy", look elsewhere...
Nope. We were looking for an appliance. Like I said, she's not a gearhead.
We went ahead and bought it. She drove it 250 miles yesterday, and it ran great. Has a noisy power window regulator in the the driver's door, and the radio display is dying. Also, it idles rougher than I think it should, but that may just be the nature of the beast.