really nice shape RX7 at a local dealer
I drove past this on my way home today. It is beautiful.
I didn't stop in, mainly because it didn't have a price on it, and I don't like salesmen.
Is 100,000 miles too many? Is the price too high? Is there something wrong with it that I am not seeing? (the ricey interior mods aren't to my taste, I would probably recover the seats in original plaid.
I assume you already saw that it's a 1979 RX7, so if that didn't stop you from posting, I'm not sure anything will. :) But yeah - that price is retarded.
Nice looking car but a little over priced IMHO.
$5995 !!! Good grief, I only paid $200 for mine and drove it home. 

That price is way high for me. The mileage wouldn't worry me a bit. Check it for rust everywhere.
I was certain that price was too high. I don't think I would even spend two grand on it, but I figured it was worth posting to hear the chatter from the peanut gallery.
1/15/11 6:18 p.m.
What the hell happened to that poor thing? 1500$ maybe, but 6 grand? NO WAY.
1/15/11 7:34 p.m.
Fit_Is_Snow wrote:
My reason
Idiot at Ed Voyles Hyundai said:
Engine: 4-Cylinder
In fairness to the anonymous idiot, he might have been putting the decription together from a set of drop-down menus that didn't include "2-rotor Wankel".
Nice looking with the exception of those seats. Worth a couple grand I think.
Wow... wonder what four-banger they dropped in. 
I think $6,000 is high, but not ZOMG that's a $500 car high. If that paint is original, and it's in as good of shape as it looks, that may be a $4,000 car. I've seen some near-original SAs on RX7Club that were very well maintained that would be a steal at $4K. A look under the hood could easily tell you if it was cared for.
It's a nice SA, but 6k? No way.
Not original enough to be worth real money, although the engine has a lot left in it at 100K you are assuming it isn't 200K, seriously mate that is a $1500 car.
I have a problem with the VIN number and not one underhood shot.
NB if it is a very early delivery the hood prop will be on the wrong side,
problems: PRICE
my friend got an fc from a dealership for 2200 and still overpaid
nearly as nice as this one, but ALL original (it needed paint badly, and it was the red with burgundy interior, so it needed an interior imo lol)
he probably should have paid 1500 for it but he needed a replacement for his dead accent and fell in love with it
if you can get that car for 2k then you should jump on it if the test drive and all checks out