5/15/08 8:41 a.m.
Hey I'm a HalfDork again!
"E36 M3" is what a bear does in the woods
"berkekey" is, um, for unlawful carnal knowledge (but the debate continues on the origin...)
What's smurf and mushroom.
I feel so old....
Also will we have a post count or just a group status like "new reader" , "HalfDork"?
Not that it matters (and I'm still trying to learn the line-break thing).
Smurf was leftover code, now removed. No idea where mushroom is coming from. I suspect it's just people being funny.
Post count is on your profile page.
5/15/08 8:49 a.m.
Thank you, sir.
I know you're busy and will try not to bother you anymore... least for awhile...
And if I ever meet you, I'll buy you a nice cold beverage of your choice.
Nah, go ahead and bother me. That's what testing is all about.... and I want most everyone to be mostly happy before we move over here.
I may take you up on that cold beverage someday, though.
mushrooms be from badgers.
Some of us are wonkier than others, and I be one of dem. :grin:
I think that we should randomly change the filter words just to smurf with mushrooms. [edit] smurf is still lingering about in the filter
5/15/08 10:59 a.m.
I really like the idea of randomly changing filters. That's awesome.
Hmm, the fucking smurf is gone now.
Now 99 44/100% smurf free.
Keith, I always thought it would be funny to do a filter than replaced the naughty words with either squeaky-clean 50s TV versions, or grizzled 1890s prospector epithets.
Golly gee... Consarn it.
Someone needs to create a random word generator that uses foreign language alternatives to the (im)proper English word.
Each time you type the word it places another language swear word in line.
more testing - post count control issues
706 posts on old board = halfdork
1436 showing in Profile here = new reader
Assuming that will correct over time....
You hit the secret double post whore lotto.
One more and you'll have it dude!