Looks and sounds awesome, I wish someone would bring something like this to Pikes Peak now it's all paved. I know the engine will suffer at 14k feet, but man I'd love too see how an F1/GP2/WSR/Indy car would stand up against the purpose built specials like Lobe's Citroen.
Altitude aside, it's the ability to put power down that would hurt it.
11/20/13 4:06 p.m.
DaveEstey wrote:
Altitude aside, it's the ability to put power down that would hurt it.
When I suggested a formula car for Pikes Peak a while ago, a lot of people said that, but I don't think it's true. The paved surface looks really smooth (compared to what's in NH and VT) and I don't think people realize how well a formula car can put its power down.
With that said, when you look at the rules for Pikes Peak, they are really detrimental to any type of single-seater (power-to-weight limitations, mandatory metallic structure, etc...), so it won't happen.
I still think it woule be cool.
11/20/13 6:09 p.m.
That is awesomely terrifying. 
I think people also underestimate just how much aero is needed on Pikes Peak. There's a reason the splitters and wings are so huge. Loeb didn't have a splitter big enough to camp on just because it looked cool.