DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
10 bucks they change the date..
Ooooooooo, told you so....
ROFL! I may still check it out for nostalgia's sake when it comes out (the same roomie that's letting me borrow his xBox to play Forza is talking about buying a PS3..renting a room to a gamer has its benefits!), but I'm still a Forza "convert" for the moment. Even if the online public lobbies are screwed up.. 
I just hope the physics is at least at forza 3 level...
Looks like piracy and sony's current SDK / firmware is the reason for the delay. It should go gold this time.
DirtyBird222 wrote:
I'm glad my brother convinced me to purchase Madden 11 and NCAA 11 for my PS3...otherwise that thing was going up on CL. I bought it for the sole purpose of playing GT and Blu-Ray. Since I can't afford Blu-Rays all teh time it was not getting any use.
Vaporware I tell you that's all it is.
Netflix + blu-ray, we rarely buy movies anymore (says the guy with a closet of like 350 DVDs/blu-rays)
And now the PS3 does 1080i streaming and 5.1 sound if you have the bandwidth.
10/16/10 1:14 a.m.
friedgreencorrado wrote:
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
DukeOfUndersteer wrote:
10 bucks they change the date..
Ooooooooo, told you so....
ROFL! I may still check it out for nostalgia's sake when it comes out (the same roomie that's letting me borrow his xBox to play Forza is talking about buying a PS3..renting a room to a gamer has its benefits!), but I'm still a Forza "convert" for the moment. Even if the online public lobbies are screwed up..
Cool, I have more time to fix my PS3 with the faulty blue ray laser
Happy i-should-be-playing-GT5-right-now day. See you after the holiday season for the next one.
So the Sears Wish Book came in yesterday. I flip thru and find GT5 on page 22, but no sign of it online. maybe I should try to call in an order...
11/3/10 11:52 p.m.
Apparently at SEMA the game designer claimed they were "stamping the discs now". So it should be any year now! 
Ok then, I bet my bacon dinner that GT5 comes out before Duke Nukem Forever. Who wants to bet against it?
And for the record, i'm only betting on GT5 and not DNF because I'm still hopeful GT5 will come out before I die of old age. I'm loosing hope, but it's there somewhere.
No, I think GT5 should make this date finally. Maybe.
...but when(ever) its finally released and has some bugs, Polyphony will say something about rushing to get it to market and how they would have liked more time to really finish it right.
When I was flicking my Fiesta through a nice coastal windy road somewhere in Europe in Forza last night I had a brief moment when I felt bad for those of you who actually expect GT5 to ever come out...then it passed.

miatame wrote:
When I was flicking my Fiesta through a nice coastal windy road somewhere in Europe in Forza last night I had a brief moment when I felt bad for those of you who actually expect GT5 to ever come out...then it passed.
While I was qualifying my iRacing SRF at Summit Point last night I was not even thinking about console games. I will, however, be killing zombies on a PS3 later tonight.
Sony's website has a 12/2010 "play by" date.... fingers are crossed.
I too have been killing Zombies to pass the time.
11/5/10 4:10 p.m.
Rufledt wrote:
Ok then, I bet my bacon dinner that GT5 comes out before Duke Nukem Forever. Who wants to bet against it?
And for the record, i'm only betting on GT5 and not DNF because I'm still hopeful GT5 will come out before I die of old age. I'm loosing hope, but it's there somewhere.
I have a code for the early Beta for DNF...... got it for buying Borderlands on PC.... When Gearbox got the DNF code from 3d Realms or whoever, they had a game in 48 hours....
BradLTL wrote:
Sony's website has a 12/2010 "play by" date.... fingers are crossed.
I too have been killing Zombies to pass the time.
Best Buy told me 12/31/10 on my preorder.
Javelin wrote:
Apparently at SEMA the game designer claimed they were "stamping the discs now". So it should be any year now!
Someone should photoshop Kazunori Yamauchi's face...

...onto Baghdad Bob's body!

"Everything is A-OK! We are stamping the discs, now... into dust because we do not have enough Evo and GT-R variants in the game yet! But we will still have the game ready by the holidays!"
In the meantime, I will be busy trying to clear BlazBlue's story mode. Damn you, Mu-12!
this last sheninigan by GT5 has led me to get a refund on my preorder. I'm done with this nonsense. I put that $5 towards my gas tank.
Dude! I'm playing it right NOW. I just saved the Princess without using any warp pipes!
i see that 3D logo there.... i'd bet that's a big part of the latest delay. i just hope they didnt mess up the game physics considering all the time spent on making it pretty.
Kaz is stamping those puppies as we speak. This GIF made me laugh for real this morning, had to share. Is GT5 a good enough excuse to skip Thanksgiving with the family?

In reply to WilberM3:
The latest delay was actually due to Sony moving to a new copy-protection protocol for the PS3 just before GT5 went to press, so the game had to be migrated to the new copy-protection protocol as well.
In reply to SupraWes:
The car list doesn't make me very happy.